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Search results

  1. marlasinger

    When am I *ever* getting to those?

    I have a lot of science books that I have yet to read. :rolleyes: Quite a few fiction ones as well - the main ones being: Oryx and Crake Sarum London Black House Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.... Ugh - the list goes on. :rolleyes:
  2. marlasinger

    Yann Martel: Life of Pi

    Lol - thanks! That makes sense - I didn't even think of that. That would explain what the agents say in the end. I do wonder though, how the story would have been told, if Pi hadn't been temporarily blinded. It was when he was blind that the French castaway appeared - so to me it is...
  3. marlasinger

    Your favourite bookshop / place to buy books

    I don't really have a favourite; I go into any bookstore. But actually, I think I do prefer the larger ones - Barnes & Noble - just for the variety they have. I also like those lounge chairs, so you can relax while you flip through a book. :D
  4. marlasinger

    Yann Martel: Life of Pi

    I just finished this book today.....Wowzer! I'm still trying to absorb it all, and I think I'll benefit from a re-read or 10. I'm not too knowledgable of religion, so a lot of that symbolism or references went above my head. :rolleyes: As for which story is the true one - the animal...
  5. marlasinger


    Hello and welcome!
  6. marlasinger

    Book recomendations :)

    Have you read Life: A User's Manual? If so, would you recommend it? The title initially caught my eye, and the blurb on the back sounds interesting, but I still haven't read it. :rolleyes:
  7. marlasinger

    How often do you read?

    I can sometimes spend a whole weekend reading, but I don't get as much time during the week. :rolleyes: After I get home from work, I'm tired, and I find it harder to concentrate. :( Still, I try to squeeze some in. :)
  8. marlasinger

    Just found this bit - guess i should say Hi!

    Welcome to the forum!
  9. marlasinger

    can you loose your relation to reality, because of reading?

    I wish! :D No, I don't think so....though I tend to day dream alot, and I think I have a reasonably active imagination. :)
  10. marlasinger

    S.E. Hinton: The Outsiders

    Ahhhhh, this brings back memories. :D My brother had to read this for school, and on a whim I picked it up - I was hooked. :D Up till then, I'd only really been into the Famous Five, and Nancy Drew books. :o :p It's a very gritty, realistic book....definately unlike anything I had...
  11. marlasinger

    Currently Reading

    I just started Life of Pi by Yann Martel. I'm only in the early stages - up to about page 50 - but I'm really enjoying it so far. :D
  12. marlasinger

    I just finished reading...

    The Last Juror - John Grisham. I enjoyed this one - more than I thought I would. :D
  13. marlasinger

    John Grisham: The Last Juror

    I guess she could give it a go - if she doesn't like it, she can always put it down. I just finished this today, and I was quite impressed. I got a bit sick of Grisham when he was first in his mega-popular stage. I read quite a few of his books, and after a while I just didn't get "thrilled"...
  14. marlasinger


    Hi, and welcome!
  15. marlasinger

    What is the darkest most disturbing book?

    The Demon, by Hubert Selby Jnr. That is one disturbing book. :eek: Especially the ending..... :eek:
  16. marlasinger

    How good is your reading?

    ^ I agree. :D I don't really care too much whether I'm a "good reader" or not, as long as I enjoy what I'm reading. But to answer your question, I don't think I'd too well on either of those tests. I don't seem to be that good at absorbing lots of information, especially detailed...
  17. marlasinger

    I ahev returned! MUAHAHAHA! lol Hey!

    "I'm gonna go get the papers.....get the papers...." :p :D
  18. marlasinger

    What books did u score for Xmas then?

    The Bill Bryson book? That's a very good one. It's good if you are curious about science, but don't want to get too bogged down with "textbook" stuff. He covers a lot of areas, doesn't go into too much detail - but enough to pique your interest. Oh and his travel books are great too -...
  19. marlasinger


    Yus - library sales are great! :D I picked up The Pillars of the Earth for AUD2.50. I don't mind buying from second hand stores - but there aren't that many around (locally), so I don't use them often. :rolleyes: If I'm walking past one, I'll go in, but if I'm looking for a particular...
  20. marlasinger

    how do YOU find books to die for??

    Sometimes just by the author - regardless whether the blurb on the back makes the book sound interesting; through friends; browsing amazon.com (following their recommendations, and reading the reviews); or sometimes I'll be browsing the bookstore/library, and I'll see an author/book that I...