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Search results

  1. Ice

    What do you think of these?

    I have read the above two and Lolita I would certainly recommend. However I read Veronica Decides to Die on the recommendation of a friend and didn't particularly enjoy it. My partner read this one and found the writing style to be rather strange, he said that the plot meanders and never seems...
  2. Ice

    Deleted my threads

    I deleted them because, as Stewart has pointed out, they were purely posted to advertise you own product. Did you not get my PM?
  3. Ice

    Realistic Fantasy...is there such a thing?

    Yes, well someone's got to :D I'm good thanks :) How's life been treating you?
  4. Ice

    Blog Comments

    I've had a look but don't think it is something the Moderator's can change, we'll have to wait for Darren to take a look :)
  5. Ice

    Last seen...

    Transformers :cool:
  6. Ice

    Realistic Fantasy...is there such a thing?

    Dear god - now here's a blast from the past :D Hello old man :p
  7. Ice


    It is not yet complete, but I would recommend George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series :)
  8. Ice

    Hello to all.

    Welcome Chris :cool:
  9. Ice

    I have a problem...

    Now that's what I do but I get pains in my shoulder that way :rolleyes:
  10. Ice

    Book from 80s

    It doesn't quite fit but my initial thought was The Magician's Nephew by CS Lewis. It involves two children, his uncle, a forest (the Wood between Worlds) and another time (the creation of Narnia).
  11. Ice

    Suggestions: October 2007 Author of the Month: John Irving

    The World according to Garp would be my choice - I haven't got round to reading it yet so this would be my incentive.
  12. Ice

    Searching For...

    Abe Books might be worth looking at. As for other books, although it is not a topic I am familiar with myself, a search brought up the following page and listed below is their recommended reading list: HOMOSEXUALS: VICTIMS OF THE NAZI ERA HTH
  13. Ice

    What's the last book you read?

    As the links posted by Libra6Poe show, we try to discourage this type of thread. They do not tend to generate much discussion of the actual books and you end up with a incredibly long thread which no one will search through for recommendations. If you have just finished a book that you liked...
  14. Ice

    Mature Discussion Forum

    I am assuming this site must be hosted on a US server, hence the need to comply with COPPA regulations?
  15. Ice

    Author: Most Read...

    Same here - I used to read a lot of Enid Blyton whenI was younger :)
  16. Ice

    What is your favorite non-fiction genre?

    For myself, I would say that I tend to read both historical and science/nature non-fiction works.
  17. Ice

    NPR summer book reading list

    I can't say that I have read any on that list yet, however I will probably read Children of Hurin at some point :cool:
  18. Ice

    George R. R. Martin: A Song Of Ice And Fire

    There were originally going to be 6 in the series, however he couldn't fit as much as he wanted to into one book therefore split the book in two, hence there should now be 7 in the series (or 8 if you buy the UK paperback versions). A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones A Clash of...
  19. Ice

    What Kind of Watch Do You Wear? (contains images)

    I normally only wear a watch to work and have always preferred analogue watches.
  20. Ice

    Just joined so thought I should

    Welcome to the forum Gary :)