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  1. Ice


    Welcome to the forum Sara :cool:
  2. Ice

    Avatar size

    Glad to hear you got it sorted :)
  3. Ice

    Avatar size

    As far as I can see, nothing appears to be wrong - I uploaded a dummy avatar for you and it has allowed me to upload a 64 x 64 bit image. If you still have trouble then PM me with a link to the image you want to upload and i'll change it for you until Darren can look at what might be causing...
  4. Ice

    Happy Birthday Ell!!

    Happy Birthday Ell! Hope you had a good one :)
  5. Ice

    When you look for a new book . . .

    Interesting question Novella. I, like others, find it hard to put into words the exact thought process that I go through when choosing a book as it isn't something I have analysed before. I guess the first thing I look for when standing in a bookshop is a new book from an author I have read...
  6. Ice

    Can someone help?

    Hobb might be an option, either her Liveship traders trilogy (as mentioned above) or her Assasin series? Feist's Magician series may also be worth a look :) I must admit that the Dark elf trilogy is my favourite out of the Salvatore books I have read.
  7. Ice

    Good Day

    Welcome to the forum Chris :) That is quite a range of genres you enjoy, I am sure you will be able to pick up some good suggestions here :cool:
  8. Ice

    Hi !

    Welcome to the forum Missy! :cool:
  9. Ice

    A Song of Ice and Fire Tv Series

    I haven't quite decided my view on this development, most TV adaptations fall short IMO and never come across how you think they should (or too much content gets left out). Hopefully they will prove me wrong though and produce a worthy series :) I can't see it being aired for at least 18 -...
  10. Ice

    Happy Birthday STEWART!

    Happy Birthday Stewart! Hope you had a great day :cool:
  11. Ice

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    Rowling unveils last Potter date Excerpt above taken from the BBC website. Entire Article: BBC News I thought some of you may be interested :)
  12. Ice


    Welcome to the forum Sara :) I also enjoy reading historical fiction - what authors do you like? Hope you enjoy it here :cool:
  13. Ice

    Best SF&F TV Shows

    My top 5 are probably: The X Files Babylon 5 Star Trek: The Next Generation Smallville Firefly Buffy wasn't bad at first, but got far too repetitive so I didn't watch much after the first two seasons. I am currently watching Torchwood, although it is a little weird at times. Okay -...
  14. Ice

    Yet Another New Person

    Welcome to the forum Christina :cool:
  15. Ice

    What's the Most You Paid for a Single Book?

    The most expensive book I have bought to date was a textbook on Neural Networks which cost £85.99 (which I hardly ever used :o ).
  16. Ice

    Konnichiwa, guten tag, hola, zdras'te and hello! :]

    Welcome to the forum Wanderer! I would love to speak several different languages, I started learning two others (other than my native language) but haven't had the time to continue :( Hope you enjoy it here :)
  17. Ice

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the forum Helena :) What type of books do you enjoy reading? Do you have a favourite author? I hope you enjoy yourself here :cool:
  18. Ice

    Bah...three points

    Yes the 3 points will make your insurance increase (remember to tell you insurance company now, don't wait until the policy is up for renewal). A TS10 also affects certain things like car hire (higher excess etc). As for the length of time, they only count towards your 12 point limit for 3...
  19. Ice

    From The Depths Of The Darkest Shadows

    Happy holidays to you too Moto!! :D
  20. Ice


    Welcome to the forum Jody :)