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  1. Hollis

    Think Happy Thoughts

    Thanks guys! Yeah, my little one is my first. I'm just shy of 3 months, so I'm TRYING to not let it occupy my every thought! It's hard though! More happy thoughts...I had a slew of them this morning right before my day turned HORRENDOUS! Where'd they all go? lol Ah yes...the one...
  2. Hollis

    Pope Rises from Dead and Eats Bowl of Spaghetti

    Edit- *snip* Heh heh...I've been kind of irritable again today! And I think that was reflected in my post. Sorry guys! Gotta stop this hanging out online when I'm feeling crabby! >_< Has anyone watched any of the funeral on TV? I hear it was a lovely ceremony. I kind of agree with...
  3. Hollis

    Your favorite position

    Lying on my tummy in my bed. So cozy! Of course, I always end up dozing off before I even finish a chapter...
  4. Hollis

    Removing sticky pricetag marks

    When I worked in a bookstore and we had to remove tags to send unsold books back to the manufacturer, we had a little thing of lighter fluid. I know that sounds weird, but it evaporates really fast and wouldn't damage the covers at all. We'd put a little on a rag and rub it where the tags...
  5. Hollis

    Think Happy Thoughts

    You know, Water Faerie, my cat being silly is always cause for smiles. She's such a little weirdo! So I concur! ^_^
  6. Hollis

    Think Happy Thoughts

    Thanks guys! It was just a really bright spot in an otherwise, cruddy day!
  7. Hollis

    Are you afraid of terrorists striking where you live?

    LOL! Kenny, I discovered a long time ago, that at least in the online world, I am usually the lone ranger on issues. I don't think it's me trying to take the opposite view. I think I just tend to be far more conservative than most people I meet online. Especially the people holding the same...
  8. Hollis

    mr_michel ..

    Happy birthday!
  9. Hollis

    Most recognizable person in the world

    You know, I was going to say Michael Jackson too. After I left for work, I thought of him. err...not that I sit and ponder Book Forum threads all day. lol As for the Bill versus Hilary thing, I'd venture to guess that a Hilary death might even be more of a shock. I mean, Bill's had...
  10. Hollis

    Are you afraid of terrorists striking where you live?

    And I still stand by what I said. I'm not justifying anything the government has done or hasn't done. All I'm saying is that acts of aggression and terrorism are not all that hard to define. Guess it depends on who defines it, though. I've heard many terrorists being called anything but...
  11. Hollis

    Think Happy Thoughts

    Today I went to the doctor and... ...I saw my baby's heartbeat for the very first time!
  12. Hollis

    NO point reading more than 1 by any author

    I'd never beat you! *grins* I understand better what you're saying. I do believe that some people use books as a means of escape, much in the same way that some people use television or video games or movies. I think a lot of the popular authors out there are far inferior to some of...
  13. Hollis

    Most recognizable person in the world

    Those would be the two I'd guess, but then that could be extremely American and cocky of me to say that, since people in other countries might not agree at all. Or some Hollywood moviestar. A prominent, current one. Not necessarily one who hasn't been acting in a while. Donald Trump? lol
  14. Hollis

    Where do you turn for news?

    LOL...Rush and Sean...yeah, they're pretty hard core. I usually switch over to the NBC channel after Glenn. Our NBC broadcasts on the radio, so I listen to all the shows they play there.
  15. Hollis

    Are you afraid of terrorists striking where you live?

    Surely you don't really believe that! You know, it's not all that hard to determine what a terrorist activity is and what's not. You don't need to be President of the United States to know who some of the terrorist organizations are. Just follow the car bombs and attacks and whatnot...
  16. Hollis


    I read it last fall and liked it ok. It wasn't the best fantasy I've read, but it wasn't the worst. Probably somewhere in the middle.
  17. Hollis

    Are you afraid of terrorists striking where you live?

    Um, I think it more likely that he's against terrorism that he sees as a more imminent threat to our nation. Poor Bushy...everyone's so critical of him! The man's not perfect, but what president HAS been?
  18. Hollis

    this is not a thread

    You mean, you guys actually READ it? I'm impressed.
  19. Hollis

    Must Vent

    1. I'm tired of having no working equipment to be able to troubleshoot/fix my students' problems with at work. 2. I want summer to be here already. I'm tired of working period. 3. Everything I'm drawing lately sucks. I'm in a rut artwise. 4. I'm so tired of being the boring...
  20. Hollis

    How many books have you read in 2005?

    1. Rule of Four - Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomasson 2. Princess in Waiting - Meg Cabot 3. The Green & the Grey - Timothy Zahn 4. The Bad Beginning - Lemony Snicket 5. Princess Charming - Jane Heller 6. Key of Light - Nora Roberts 7. Infernal Affairs - Jane Heller 8. Hawke - Ted Bell...