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  1. Hollis

    Are you afraid of terrorists striking where you live?

    I think the threat of a major terrorism strike is very real. When I lived in Dallas, I was nervous a lot because it's such a major city. In fact, after moving away, I saw a news story where they apprehended a guy who was connected to Al Queda and he had been working for the city, so he knew...
  2. Hollis

    Where do you turn for news?

    I'm a FOXNews girl. They seem the least slanted to me, of all the major networks, though many people will say they actually slant more right. Everytime I've tuned in, I see both sides of the issues being presented and I particularly like the guys on Fox & Friends in the morning. They're...
  3. Hollis

    How many times.......

    It's rare that I reread anything. If anything, it'd be to refamiliarize myself with a story because a sequel has come out or something. But even then, that's rare. There are too many books out there I want to read, so why would I keep going over the same story over and over when there's so...
  4. Hollis

    Happy Birthday Genie!

    Happy birthday, Genie! Hope you have a great one! :)
  5. Hollis

    NO point reading more than 1 by any author

    I think there's a big difference between being intolerant of others' ideas and disagreeing with someone's statement. Just like I must disagree with your last one. I'm fully tolerant of your opinion. I just don't share it. :p Perhaps it's true for some people, but why look past the...
  6. Hollis

    Is reading too much a depravation of the mind?

    Plus, the reality of being able to experience even a tenth of what you can read about comes down to a big factor...money. Or rather, lack of. I personally think LACK of reading makes you more susceptible to not being able to think on your own. The better read you are, the more knowledge...
  7. Hollis

    Promoting books.

    Truthfully? If it's a buddy or someone I've become acquainted with, sure I'll go visit their site. Otherwise, I usually don't visit any author sites until I'm actually reading and fully engrossed in a book. It's when I want to look at character blurbs, interviews, and all that, that I go...
  8. Hollis

    Daylight Savings Time

    Oh I know you weren't. I was just throwing in an extra two cents there. Sorry...it's been a really bad morning sickness day today (thank goodness we were still off for Easter break today!), so I probably come off more crabby than I intend to! lol. In all reality, I've actually appreciated...
  9. Hollis

    Daylight Savings Time

    Motokid, with all due respect, just because it's all simply in our heads still doesn't make it any easier for some of us to adjust. Some people can adjust immediately. Some of us find it harder. And then when bedtime rolls around, too, we're wide awake. I mean, don't get me wrong. I deal...
  10. Hollis

    Music while you are reading or writing. Life's Theme Song?

    When I'm writing, I need background music. I think because I've always been so into soundtracks, when I'm working on a scene, I need that score to back it up - it helps dig up the emotions and set the scene for what I'm trying to do. I remember, finding this one song on one of my soundtracks...
  11. Hollis

    Daylight Savings Time

    Oh yeah, DST is the worst in the Spring! I've never had a problem with light waking me up and I really don't have dark, cold winters where I live anyhow. It's the whole having to wake up an hour earlier that gets me. When I already am waking up at 5:30-6:00 every morning, that 5:30-6:00 is...
  12. Hollis

    happy easter all!!

    I think our high is going to be around 73. The skies are blue and gorgeous and someone's barbecuing nearby. You walk outside and just take a big whiff and say, "Ahhh..." I just love that smell.
  13. Hollis

    Do you tend to be...

    ...the kind of person who can only read one book at a time or do you usually have several books you're reading through at once? I had a friend who kept a different book in each room and she'd just pick up whichever book was in whichever room she happened to be in. I've just never been able...
  14. Hollis

    Currently Reading

    I read them AFTER seeing the movies, which certainly helped. Because at least when it was going really slow, I could just visualize Aragorn in my head. lol I just started Azur Like It by Wendy Holden. Did a forum search and didn't see any mention of either the book or the author! So I...
  15. Hollis

    How long do you read for??

    I made the mistake yesterday of not stashing the book in my purse like I normally do. We went into town to meet some friends and then afterward ended up running errands which resulted in us sitting in the car dealership for a while and I had nothing to read! Argh! No good magazines either...
  16. Hollis

    Near Death of The Easter Bunny

    Hi Inkheart! Welcome to the forums! What an intro. lol. Hope you enjoy yourself here. I used to feel the same way about Harry Potter, but a friend said, "Aww, just try it," so I reluctantly did and ended up really enjoying it. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was fun. Anyhow...
  17. Hollis

    New here! ^^

    Hi Pearl! Welcome to the forums! Nope, you're certainly not alone in your passion for reading! Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  18. Hollis


    lol...I think he was saying "ha-LO!" like Inigo Montoya says in Princess Bride. Welcome to the forums, outlaw! It's great to see another person who likes to draw here! Hope you have fun here!
  19. Hollis

    Another Newbie :-)

    Hi Genie! Welcome to the forum. Your avvy is lovely, btw. I've only read one Marion Keyes book and did enjoy it. The comedy/romance genre is a fun one, I agree! Have fun here. We look forward to getting to know you.
  20. Hollis

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi tpeltz! Welcome to the forums! Yeah, the best and worst part of places like this is what it does to your TBR pile! lol. Have fun here!