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Search results

  1. RitalinKid

    South Park

    They didn't write Baseketball, but it was something they would've done. Orgazmo was friggin great. "Jesus!" "Where?"
  2. RitalinKid

    So, then my boss said...

    The Swingline? Swingline didn't make a red stapler at the time Office Space was made. After the movie, there was so much demand for it, they started making one. I'm working late a lot right now, and I'm going to start swinging by our business office every night when I leave to see if the...
  3. RitalinKid

    South Park

    The creators of South Park also made a movie with marionettes called Team America: World Police. Did any of you catch that? Cracked me up, but South Park is better.
  4. RitalinKid

    So, then my boss said...

    That reminds me. Have we got an Office Space thread? If we don't, I need to get on that.
  5. RitalinKid

    High School Shootings & the book the kid carried

    I wasn't trying to make a comparison. I was simply stating that I'm interested in understanding one type of criminal, and I understand if people want to investigate another type of criminal, the notorious school shooter. Reading the book could be part of that investigation, but blaming the...
  6. RitalinKid

    High School Shootings & the book the kid carried

    I'm not interested in the book, but I don't feel people shouldn't be. I'm researching sex offenders right now just because they seem to be an enigma, and I'd like to see what we actually know about them. Why not do the same with school shooters? I have to wonder if media coverage...
  7. RitalinKid

    So, then my boss said...

    Or maybe it is little, but it's repetitious. Usually, it's not little, but it's almost always busy work.
  8. RitalinKid

    South Park

    Did any of you see the recent one about hippies? It's probably my favorite episode. There were so many great quotes. "Wait until those little Eichmann's get a load of this crunchy groove!" I go to "hippie jam band festivals", and I've never heard the phrase "crunchy groove", but since I saw...
  9. RitalinKid

    South Park

    That was a great episode. I hadn't thought about that one in a while. Thanks. Another great episode: the Afghanistan episode with Cartman playing Bugs Bunny, and Usama Bin Laden playing Elmer Fudd. I think it only aired once, maybe twice. The only person that might get away with...
  10. RitalinKid

    South Park

    Does anyone else here watch and appreciate South Park? After talking to a guy today, I realized that a lot of people think it's mindless, low brow, shock humor. The show is guilty of the last two accusations, but not of the first. The creators claim that they aren't putting their ideas in the...
  11. RitalinKid

    Kurt Vonnegut

    Whew! Just finished Slaughterhouse-Five. The end was a sobering finale to a comically tragic rollercoaster ride, but he could've made it more so. I didn't want to put the book down, except when I was so tired that I had to. Vonnegut is hailed as a great "anti-war" writer. I don't find...
  12. RitalinKid

    A case for Christ

    I read Case for a Creator by the same author. A better name for the book would have been Interviews with Christian Scientists. He writes the book like he's unconvinced (and it's obvious he's not unconvinced), and he tries to pretend that he's doing a journalistic piece (and it's obvious the...
  13. RitalinKid

    So, then my boss said...

    Everybody has them. Things your boss says that piss you off to no end. Hey, I'll start it off. Yesterday, the lead engineer on my project says, "This isn't coming from me, but I was told, 'No mistakes. No excuses.'" Why don't you tell the team not to breathe while your at it? Tell us not...
  14. RitalinKid

    Differences Between Men and Women?

    Says here humans normally have sex less than once a day and with only one other human. Man, being a human would be boring. Well, maybe that's why they invented Viagra. They've gotta keep the species going somehow. "Hey, Martha! Come in here and get a load of this!" The total...
  15. RitalinKid

    National Stereotypes

    Pretty much every country that has ever had the resources to do that has done it now and throughout history. Read Collapse by Jared Diamond. I promise you, MK, it's not just here, and it's happened throughout human existence. Humans are humans regardless of race, nationality, religion or...
  16. RitalinKid

    National Stereotypes

    I think this describes people in general.
  17. RitalinKid

    National Stereotypes

    In my part of the US, we're all ass backwards, inbred, racist rednecks with no air conditioning.
  18. RitalinKid

    Bright Light. Big Questions. (split from bobby & irene)

    Krishnamurti would tell you there is nothing to seek. His idea is that your goal is to let go of the conditioned responses that you've created and that society has created within you, which is not a search. An example is his idea that happiness is a perversion of joy, where joy only lasts for...
  19. RitalinKid

    Differences Between Men and Women?

    There's a whole chromosome's difference between a man and a woman, but only a few hundred genes' difference between a man and a male pygmy chimp. It's safe to say there are general differences between men and women. I haven't seen anyone mention this, so sorry if I missed it.
  20. RitalinKid

    Bright Light. Big Questions. (split from bobby & irene)

    Oh, I'm sure there are plenty of eyes peeping in on what's being said.