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Search results

  1. RitalinKid

    Books on fear, anxiety, psychic disorders

    In my own case, they were either self imposed or somehow learned, and they applied to everyone in my life, including myself. Basically, everything was held to perfection as a standard. That creates a lot of problems in your life because nothing will ever be perfect. You can probably see how...
  2. RitalinKid

    Smoking is addictive - yay or nay?

    How much does your friend smoke? I've known of people who used cocaine (a highly addictive drug) only on occasion, and they weren't addicted by any means. If your friend is only smoking on the weekends or when drinking, maybe your friend isn't addicted. Now, if your friend is a pack-a-day...
  3. RitalinKid

    Books on fear, anxiety, psychic disorders

    I had to go to stress management, and I know it may seem much less severe than what you're talking about, but Dr. Albert Ellis diagnosed my problems without ever meeting me. The phrases that you refer to were running rampant in my mind without me realizing that they were completely irrational...
  4. RitalinKid

    Law and Order (Classic, SVU, CI, and TbJ)

    I'm a fan, but I don't watch it all the time. It's one of those shows that sucks me in. If I start watching it, I want to see the whole show. I do the same thing with the movie Braveheart. However, I've got a friend that loves Law and Order. I like watching it with her because it's uncanny...
  5. RitalinKid

    Voting: April 2005

    I'm almost done with The Memory of Running, so if anyone wants to vote for something that makes me happy, vote for that.
  6. RitalinKid

    Personality Test

    I have a pair of Oakleys that I bought 5 or 6 years ago. I never had a pair of designer sunglasses before those, but when I tried them on, I really liked 'em. They've been there for me through thick and thin. They even came back to me after I dropped them in the ocean. I think it's about...
  7. RitalinKid

    Yann Martel: Life of Pi

    I just finished this book, and I enjoyed the beginning, including the pages discussing religion. From the posts I've read, I guess I'm almost alone in that opinion. I love that he pointed out that Christians love to capitalize words, so true. I think Martel was trying to show the common...
  8. RitalinKid

    Tell me this ..

    It looks like it's real, but I'm highly skeptical. The resolution isn't good enough for me to say for sure.
  9. RitalinKid

    What do bookworms do for exercise?

    My girlfriend likes the monkey better too. It's just that when my friend went home to India, she picked me up a small statue of Lord Ganesha that I really enjoy. So, the other night I found what I thought was a pretty cool Ganesha avatar, but it looks like I might need to go to Chris's closet...
  10. RitalinKid

    Discussion:The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty *Spoilers*

    Novella, you've let us down. "I kid! I kid!" Ell, maybe it's just a feel good story, but I don't know. I identify with the feelings and the way he describes them. It's almost the same as when you talk to a real close friend that thinks like you. Kinda makes me feel less alone, like other...
  11. RitalinKid

    What do bookworms do for exercise?

    I don't eat anything before I do my morning cardio because it possibly helps to burn more fat; whether or not it does is still a major source of debate. If my goal were to make big gains, I would be eating a lot more carbs, especially before I work out, but I eat them afterwards because eating...
  12. RitalinKid

    Discussion:The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty *Spoilers*

    Ell, The Memory of Running has an almost theraputic effect for me. Anything like that for you? On another note, it really does suck you in, doesn't it?
  13. RitalinKid

    What do bookworms do for exercise?

    First thing in the morning, I do 45 minutes of either stationary bike or elliptical motion machine. At lunch, I do 45 to 60 minutes of lifting. I don't always do that much cardio, but right now, I'm shedding some winter weight, so on top of working out, I'm only eating carbs after exercise...
  14. RitalinKid

    Red Lobster's Worst Nightmare

    Here's a heart warming tale about a lobster and a seafood market owner. Enjoy. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/US/03/02/bubba.lobster.ap/index.html ...and the follow up. (3/3) http://edition.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/03/03/leviathan.lobster.ap/index.html
  15. RitalinKid

    Happy Birthday cajunmama!

    Happy Birthday. Go to N'Awlins and celebrate at Tipatina's.
  16. RitalinKid

    Most Interesting Thing You've Eaten

    I believe that would be Kimchi. Never had it, but I've heard all about it. Once a year, I have fried pig intestines (properly called "chitterlings", pronounced with a southern accent as "chitlins").
  17. RitalinKid

    Book concepts that follow you forever?

    The Third Chimpanzee and Guns, Germs, and Steel, both by Jared Diamond and both nonfiction, have forever changed my view of our species. Both have helped me identify human nature and how it manifests itself in everyday life, and I have also let go of the idea that people aren't comparable to...
  18. RitalinKid

    We got good news!

    Congratulations. Are you going to Disney World?
  19. RitalinKid

    Bad habits!

    I can only do one thing at a time. The only thing I do while reading is turn pages and sit around or ride a stationary bike. I can't read if the TV is on or if I have food in my mouth. Maybe I need to read while I eat, so I won't eat so fast.
  20. RitalinKid

    Discussion:The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty *Spoilers*

    Sorry, Ell. I'm only 65 pages into it. I'm trying to finish up Life of Pi, which I'm further along on. I'm reading Pi on the bike every morning; makes 45 minutes go by like nothing. I can tell you what I like about The Memory of Running so far, the way he paints the picture. The scenes...