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  1. RitalinKid

    Discussion:The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty *Spoilers*

    The book so far is a very good read. For me, the characters and situations are easy to identify with.
  2. RitalinKid

    Does spelling still count?

    I agree. The ATM machine and NT technology thing drives me up the wall. Yet, I still catch myself doing it occasionally. Monkey hear; monkey say.
  3. RitalinKid

    Supersize Me

    Damn. I searched for it under this forum only. Thanks novella.
  4. RitalinKid

    Supersize Me

    Have any of you seen the documentary Supersize Me? It's about a guy who eats nothing but food from McDonald's for a month. I think it's a must see for everyone, especially people with children or people who eat fastfood several times a week. I got the privelege of watching it with med school...
  5. RitalinKid

    Does spelling still count?

    How do you guys feel about words such as "through" being replaced by more direct spellings like "thru". "Thru" is already popping up in dictionaries, and I know it's in use on road signs here. Linguists have found that a language replaces a certain percentage of its vocabulary every 1000...
  6. RitalinKid

    Collecting Slang and Idioms

    Anybody that wants to get up to date on pop/urban US comedy, a good place to start is the Chappelle Show on Comedy Central. That will always have some good slang terms in it. Be prepared to be a little shocked though. Some of his best skits to date were as follows: "Black Bush" - A skit...
  7. RitalinKid


    Motokid (and anyone else interested), Jared Diamond covers this topic in The Third Chimpanzee. He also talks more about it in Guns, Germs, and Steel. You'll notice me referencing those books quite a bit becuase they delve into the tendencies of humans over the last 100,000 years. According to...
  8. RitalinKid

    Collecting Slang and Idioms

    A chickenhead is also an "easy" woman. Learned that from Chappelle. Here's another. Sick=Cool Ex: That album is absolutely sick. I think it comes from "ill". You've probably heard that used in the same way. Don't forget about Snoop Dogg-ese. "Fo' shizzle, ma Nizzle." I love slang.
  9. RitalinKid


    You get an impression of someone almost immediately. Their posture, their accent, the words they use, the clothes they wear, hell, whether or not they remind you of someone, all these things (and more) come together with your life experiences to help you start forming an opinion. That's...
  10. RitalinKid

    Never Give Up -The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty

    Sorry. The bastards moved it! Next time, I'll just post the story. If I can sift through their website and find it, I'll repost it.
  11. RitalinKid

    Suggestions: April 2005

    The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty anyone? Reference Thread: Never Give Up
  12. RitalinKid

    Happy Birthday, Stewart!

    Happy Birthday. Just think, years ago you were taken from a safe, glowing warm place into a cold, bright, scary place. Now there's a reason to celebrate. :D Just kidding. Have a good one.
  13. RitalinKid

    Never Give Up -The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty

    My g/f just surprised me with Ron McLarty's The Memory of Running.
  14. RitalinKid

    What's your occupation?

    I'm a process engineer for a semiconductor company that specializes in SiC high power devices.
  15. RitalinKid

    Ward Churchill

    Sorry I shortened it to Churchill. I'll use Ward from now on. I agree. I think that was the strength of the analogy. The allies firebombed people who may have no nothing about death camps at work (and at home) in Dresden in order to further our cause against the German war machine...
  16. RitalinKid

    Ward Churchill

    Motokid, when it comes to civil rights (such as freedom of speech), there will always be someone to stand up. The ACLU even filed a motion in favor a child molestor's right to have sex with young boys. ?!?!?! I think it's easy to say that he justified terrorist actions or compared innocent...
  17. RitalinKid


    "Yeah! Let's sacrifice me to Satan!" -Rabbitty the Rabbit from South Park's "A Country Critter Christmas" Episode
  18. RitalinKid

    Ward Churchill

    Jenn, here's a link to all the recent articles at cnn.com. CNN.com Query Results ...and here's a link to the essay. The long and short of it is that Churchill is an Indian Rights activist and member of the faculty at Colorado University. He made a comparison between the US firebombing...
  19. RitalinKid

    Ward Churchill

    Have any of you kept up with the Ward Churchill row? I found the controversial essay online, and I think the media and politicians have stretched this. Some want to say his essay was treasonous, but I just see it as an extreme and controversial way of asking people to try to look through...
  20. RitalinKid

    Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

    It's definitely interesting. It would also explain why older people can intuitively tell you something about somebody, be unable to give any logic for it, and still be right. I bet it deals with experience and complexity of the problem being asses..... Damn you, Novella. Now, I'm thinking...