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  1. RitalinKid


    :) Don't worry about it. Blabber is good. This isn't threatening our relationship now. I was just worried about the future is all.
  2. RitalinKid

    Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

    Sounds like the book is just a bunch of case studies with similar results and no experimental data. I would be wary. However, I think we've all had "a hunch" that was right, and we may or may not have been sure why it was right. How many of our hunches have been wrong though? Our memories...
  3. RitalinKid


    Well, she gets a little huffy and condescending when we try to talk about the issue of faith. We went to see a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit last weekend, and she said to me, "Why do you care about the Dead Sea Scrolls?" implying that since I have no religious faith that I have no reason to care...
  4. RitalinKid


    Moto, we've been dating for 7 years, longer than most married people my age have even known each other. We get along great. We have little tiffs every now and then, but they're usually over misunderstandings (i.e., "That's what I said!" "No, you said ______." "No, that's what you thought I...
  5. RitalinKid

    Dan Brown

    To me, Dan Brown is a decent story teller. He's in the class with Michael Crichton. His works won't be remembered as art. They're stories, entertainment. I agree his stories are similar, but the storyline is constantly moving. That takes some talent. I just finished a Vonnegut book, and...
  6. RitalinKid

    What do you miss?

    I miss being a college kid. No REAL responsibilities. Staying out late or all night. Meeting new people. Playing in bands. I miss Costa Rica. I miss sketching. College seems to have killed that instinct in me. I agree with Wabbit. Big cities suck. I live in town of ~20,000...
  7. RitalinKid

    What animal are you?

    "You are either a Fox or a Owl personality. But you may also be a Baboon personality. "
  8. RitalinKid


    Let me ask you more experienced people a question. I see all the time that one of the most important issues in a relationship is religion. Despite being raised as a conservative Christian, recently I've rejected my faith. This really bothers my girlfriend because she is still a Christian...
  9. RitalinKid

    Hello Everybody

    Wabbit, the spoon is nothing compared to the penguin threat. That's the reason Task Force 43 was put into operation. Sanyuja, I just noticed you are also reading The Life of Pi. I started reading that on the side this morning.
  10. RitalinKid

    Yet another newbie

    BLAST! The Penguins and their lair! Is it in Rome? Is it in Cairo? London!? There day will come! And when it does, we'll release the ducks on them. WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Plenty of almond shells for everyone. I hope you can handle all the arsenic.
  11. RitalinKid

    math counts

    Good job. Math will open a lot of doors for you. I'm in engineering, and if you speak and read calculus and differential equations, it's your world; we're just living in it. If you really enjoy math, you should read The Golden Ratio by Mario Livio. It has some interesting facts, dispells...
  12. RitalinKid

    Hello Everybody

  13. RitalinKid


    "they all said when they were getting married that they felt making a deeper commitment would fix things." Jenn, so many people make the mistake of thinking that marriage will fix anything that's wrong, and you can't tell them otherwise. Already, two of my friends are divorced, and in both...
  14. RitalinKid

    Hello Everybody

    Welcome Sanyuga! I have friends here in the US from Bangalore. Small world. I will visit India one day. Mainly because I haven't met a person from India I didn't like, so there must be something wonderful to the culture over there. My friends from Bangalore are all in engineering and I...
  15. RitalinKid


    I've had a long distance relationship for almost 7 years now. Does this count at all? We've gotten the chance to live together for about one year, but she was working and I was in college at the time. Now, she's in med school, and I'm working. :rolleyes: We are different in ways, but we...
  16. RitalinKid

    God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Vonnegut

    I just finished this book, and bobbyburns seemed to really enjoy it as well, so I started this thread. This is my first book discussion, so maybe this is a milestone. Disclaimer: This contains spoilers! I really enjoyed this book, and I now plan to read the rest of his books. Vonnegut...
  17. RitalinKid

    Kurt Vonnegut

    My girlfriend jokingly called Vonnegut a "pinko commie sympathizer". It was good for a laugh, but in God Bless You, the real issue seemed to be money and the power it can have over your life. I'm starting a discussion thread on God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.
  18. RitalinKid

    Save Toby :-(

    I don't have the words for the guy that made that website. I just don't, so I'm just going to sigh and shake my head. People (of the not so bright sort I suspect) are giving him money, and he'll probably eat the rabbit anyway. I haven't thought about hassenpfeffer since Looney Tunes as a kid!
  19. RitalinKid

    Debates and Questions in General Chat

    I like the general discussions because the people I hang out with after work don't care to talk about issues, and there's not enough time at work to get into an in depth discussion. Plus, the board lets me sort through me thoughts and state my opinion in an organized way instead of rambling...
  20. RitalinKid


    We need a thread on how to punish our law makers for wasting our money. Anyway, all the precedents set forth by alcohol and tobacco would certainly apply.