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Search results

  1. RitalinKid

    Al Franken: Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them

    "...we fail lamentably on the whole in teaching them how to think: they learn everything, except the art of learning.” Truer words have never been spoken. I don't know how many times I had that thought while I was in college. When I got to college, I didn't know the first thing about...
  2. RitalinKid

    Al Franken: Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them

    I've read this book, and I also found it hilarious. However, I agree with Halcyon. I thought the book would be without bias, but when I started checking facts, there was bias. I've stopped reading political books because the authors will do whatever (including unethical things) to persuade...
  3. RitalinKid

    Party like it's 1939

    Do you guys think this is getting a little too much media coverage? It's not like the guy came out and said he supported Nazi causes. It was a costume at a party. I just see a kid at a party dressed as a WWII Nazi soldier. I mean, the kid didn't join the Society of British Nazis or anything...
  4. RitalinKid

    Your favourite bookshop / place to buy books

    I buy books. I buy the most from Amazon. The convenience can't be beat. For instance, I just bought two books less than a minute before writing this. However, I love to go in B&N, and I frequent BAM and Borders. Used stores are great too, but I'm terrible at digging to find stuff. I blame...
  5. RitalinKid

    Never Give Up -The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty

    For any aspiring writers out there. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/books/01/11/books.ron.mclarty.ap/index.html
  6. RitalinKid

    can you loose your relation to reality, because of reading?

    I can wake up from a dream and have a tough time shaking the feelings and memories I had during the dream. I think it's reasonable to think that people could read themselves into a dream-like trance. Luckily for me :rolleyes: I have ADHD, so I struggle to keep the world out while I read...
  7. RitalinKid

    'Commercial' Books?

    Hmmm. Made with a standardized process for mass consumption, manufactured. Sounds like a good one, direstraits. Better for certain.
  8. RitalinKid

    How do you listen to music?

    LOL That's all too familiar, Mort. I've played in bands and after months of playing together, never known the lyrics to anymore than a few lines of our songs. :) Luckily, I wasn't the singer.
  9. RitalinKid

    How do you listen to music?

    I'm with you, hay82. For me, it's more about how the music makes me feel. I like music you can immerse yourself into. I don't know the words to any of my favorite songs. If I do, it's usually just a line or two. Sometimes I get feelings attached to the words of a song even though the...
  10. RitalinKid

    What are you listening to Right now?

    On the Road by String Cheese Incident on Sirius station 17
  11. RitalinKid

    michael moore is a big fat stupid white man (mn', mn', mn')

    The problem is that I have with his work is that its biased to the point that he misleads people. In Bowling, he spliced together different soundbites to alter the meaning of statements. He asks tough questions though. I love that he has asked the question "why do the US have such a...
  12. RitalinKid

    New Years Resolutions!

    I was denied a loan because I have no collateral. I don't own anything of value. :(
  13. RitalinKid

    New Years Resolutions!

    I'm going to add paying off credit card debt to my list. It's not that much, but it's just sitting there.
  14. RitalinKid

    Recommend one to the world!

    marlasinger, GG&S is a book that left me feeling a lot smarter. It does drag in some places, but it's full of insight into how our world came to be how it is today. I'm about 100 pages into the 3rd Chimp, and so far I like GG&S better, mainly because the 3rd Chimp has to rely more on educated...
  15. RitalinKid

    'Commercial' Books?

    direstraits, I like Crichton and Brown, but the names Brown and Crichton seem to me to be mentioned with some of the same connotation (maybe not but somehow I got that impression). Since Brown's name was *ed out, I gave Crichton the same treatment just to be funny and conformal. :) Back...
  16. RitalinKid

    I just finished reading...

    I just got through with Che Guevara's Guerilla Warfare. I read it while on vacation, and I don't recommend doing that. You really have to get into the book to get everything out of it. If you're really interested in starting a revolution in your country, this book will be your guide. It...
  17. RitalinKid

    Recommend one to the world!

    For nonfiction, check out Jared Diamond. His book Guns, Germs and Steel was great. I learned a lot about how our world has come to be in its present state. I've just started his book The Third Chimpanzee, and so far I like it too.
  18. RitalinKid

    Could the Tsunami Disaster have been prevented?

    Guys, thanks for bringing back the original purpose of the thread. Stewart, I think almost everyone is in agreement that there was no way to prevent the loss of life without a previously prepared warning system in the Indian Ocean. I originally started the thread because Sunn-SSS didn't feel...
  19. RitalinKid

    Could the Tsunami Disaster have been prevented?

    A discussion can happen here. This doesn't have to be an argument. Discussions have to happen about these type of incidents because we have to learn from them. Major bump for the Wabbit. I want Sun's view in the discussion, but I don't want the dismissive mud slinging. It's important for...
  20. RitalinKid

    Could the Tsunami Disaster have been prevented?

    It's favoritism, and I was lumping it together with racism, but you're right religion has nothing to do with the color of one's skin. Our cultures are the main differences between groups of people. You're in the US; you know how stereotypes and biases pop up between the North and South and...