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  1. Didi_Gogo

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    That is the cutest! ^_^ The cat should be your book marker!
  2. Didi_Gogo

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    Wow... I'm a jerk. Way to butt in on a thread and not even answer the initial question. Well, as you can probably assume, I like Kurt Vonnegut and Samuel Beckett.
  3. Didi_Gogo

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    Reading too much of one author at the same time can be ... uh... not good. Like you I couldn't get enough of Vonnegut and started reading his stuff like crazy, but I soon got tired of it and started reading other things again. It was wierd because I had to ajust out of Vonnegut's style to be...
  4. Didi_Gogo

    The today I'm irritated by __________ thread

    I'm increadably irritated because the Barnes&Noble that is closest to my house is shutting down! (STUPID ECONOMY!) It's not only the closest B&N to my house, but the closest book store in general. T_T On the bright side they are selling off those HUGE book cover posters that they have on the...
  5. Didi_Gogo

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Don't Ask Me Why- Billy Joel
  6. Didi_Gogo

    Rudyard Kipling: The Man Who Would Be King

    A little off topic, but I was reading The Bald Soprano and they briefly mentioned Rudyard Kipling. I didn't really pay much mind to it until I saw this thread. Now I might do a little searching ^_^.
  7. Didi_Gogo

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I get very easily distracted. I used to have a book mark that I made myself. It was awesome and very colorful, but the colors would distract me, for I don't simply set the book mark aside, but put it somewhere in the back of the book. Now I just use boring old folded sticky notes, but they're...
  8. Didi_Gogo

    The Official Book Censorship Thread

    lolz^_^ We celebrate banned book week at my school. During this week the library has a banned book display that contains lists of banned books and many of the books themselves. I think it's insane all the different kinds of books that had a case behind them. Some of them I had no doubt that some...
  9. Didi_Gogo

    God I love discussing books

    Hello! I'm also a new member and I couldn't help but notice that one of your favorite authors wrote my absolute favorite book, A Clockwork Orange. Anyway, I couldn't imagine reading so many books at once. Even though I absolutely LOVE reading, I'm probably one of the slowest readers ever...
  10. Didi_Gogo

    Getting back into reading

    WHOOT! Kurt Vonnegut's awesome! Also, for something kind of freaky and unsettling try Ray Bradbury. He never disappoints! ^_^
  11. Didi_Gogo

    Theater of the Absurd

    Lately I've really been getting into absurdist plays, but it seems like the more of it I read the more I feel I need to know about it. Although I'm still greatly fascinated by it I feel like I don't know enough about absurdism to truely appriciate all it has to offer. When we studied...
  12. Didi_Gogo

    Getting Into Shakespeare

    I'm still in school, and it's the same for me. A lot of the things they make you read, I would've wanted to read anyway, but since it's labeled as an assignment it puts a negative connotation on the whole thing. Even though I was really intimidated my the thought of it, I picked up Much Ado...
  13. Didi_Gogo

    Ray Bradbury

    Ray Bradbury was one of the first authors that I could not get enough of. The first Bradbury I ever read was his short story A Sound Of Thunder (When I was 12, and it was for school, so I didn't really care about it until after I read it). It was so amazing. I've read Fahrenheit 451, Something...
  14. Didi_Gogo

    Has it all been done?

    I will be hundreth person to say that is HAS all been done. There is one story and it is life and how humans deal with life. The difference in everything is how you depict the already done. I mean, think about it. Who wrote "it" the first time to render every single author after him to just...
  15. Didi_Gogo

    Writing from Dreams

    Wow. I do the same thing (except I'm just a kid, so it really isn't that big a deal). I had this dream that was influenced by me just finnishing One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and watching all three of the Final Destination movies in one night. It was very disturbing, but strangly stuctured for...
  16. Didi_Gogo

    Shakespeare's Plays

    I really enjoyed Hamlet, especially going straight into Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead right after I finished. They were both beautiful plays, but sadly I don't think I could ever read Hamlet again without thinking to myself, "I wonder what those rascles Guildenstern and Rosencrantz are...
  17. Didi_Gogo

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    YES! Kurt Vonnegut is amazing! You should probably start out the same way anyone who reads Vonnegut starts out, with Slaughterhouse 5. My favorite Vonnegut is Sirens of Titan.