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  1. M

    Who reads books anymore?

    You know, going by that thinking, it would soon be apparent that we don't need printed newspapers. If you can take a kindle to the john, then you can certainly have newspapers delivered in e-ink. Just a thought. If they think this way, they are endangering their own business. Cutting down...
  2. M

    What do you think of the prices of new books?

    Me too. It's outrageous to price new books more than $20! It really makes you think twice if you want to get it or not. For me, my reading stack at home is composed of 2nd hand books. I am not really a book junkie, you know like those fans who lined up for Harry Potter books outside of BNs
  3. M

    Collectible/rare/first editions

    I have two signed books. One of them is Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club, and I found this in an antiquarian bookshelf selling for $1.
  4. M

    Book Related Careers

    I was an associate editor in a past life. I reviewed submissions and wrote evaluations on the books. Basically I filtered the manuscripts coming into the publisher and put forth only the best works to the managing editor. It's not as glamorous as you think. Sometimes there are works that are...
  5. M

    Where are you? (in the book you are reading) - please read 1st post

    On the throne with a cigarettes in hand, reading through Morisson or Murakami and at the same time looking at all the crushed and wet cigarette butts on the bathroom floor.
  6. M

    What books have you read lately?

    OOOhhh... a lot... Eat Pray Love, An English-Chinese Dictionary of Love and Saving Fish from Drowning. As you can see, I've recently been engulfed in a flurry of books that had more feminine voices.
  7. M

    Recently Finished

    Eat Pray Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
  8. M

    Saddest/Most Depressing Novel You've Ever Read

    A Fine Balance is a great tearjerker, but it doesn't leave you depressed, at least not for me. Mine is Kite Runner... with all the people he could have connected with, but didn't. He was basically a very lonely protagonist even with all the people around him. Now that is sad.
  9. M

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    Back to the topic :) Mine is Grisham and Anne Rice. I think that Rice paints poignant imagery and it helps that her characters are so sexual and sensual that it leaves you with a certain impression that you can't shake. Grisham, well, his endings suck, but he can tell a great story.
  10. M

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    The Plain Truths of Religion, Gareth Wilson (am Catholic, yet I love atheism books!) 2 books of short stories by Haruki Murakami