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Search results

  1. K-Dawn

    Piers Anthony

    I have yet to read Ogre, Ogre but it sounds really good. Maybe I'll go read it right now.
  2. K-Dawn

    Gary Paulsen

    I've read Hatchet too. I even watched the movie. The book was better, though.
  3. K-Dawn

    What are your fears?

    I'm really scared of heights. I always feel like I'm going to fall off. :o :o
  4. K-Dawn


    Bob, Fred, and Jack went to an out-of-town convention. Bob had a really nice red car that they took. When the convention was done, Bob said, "Oh no! I think I left my keys in the car!" And sure enough, when they got to the car, the keys were right there in the ignition. Fred said, "Well, why...
  5. K-Dawn

    You Might Be A Montanan If...

    I got a great e-mail that had a bunch of Jeff Foxworthy's 'You Might Be A Montanan If' jokes on it. They're kind of like the 'You Might Be A Redneck If' jokes, only about Montanans. They're great! You Might Be A Montanan If... 1.Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next...
  6. K-Dawn

    Americano Culture

    I can't answer all those, but I'll give it a shot. As for number one, usually people will tell you if you can leave your shoes on or not. As for number two, ??? :confused: As for number three, I don't have a freakin' clue. As for number four, some probably do, but some (including me...
  7. K-Dawn


    Oops, sorry! :eek: I forgot the rest of it! Try this one: www.randomhouse.com/teens/eragon/christopherpaolini.htm Sorry again! ps. oh, yeah. Fyi, the contest stuff is under 'News'.
  8. K-Dawn


    I found this contest thingy where you can make a poem and the grand-prize winner gets signed copies of both Eragon and Eldest along with some other works of his (all equalling about $1,000.00 in the U.S.). And the 20 runners up get just Eldest (equalling about $20.00 in the U.S.) For more...
  9. K-Dawn


    Who has inspired you to write? Did you read any books so good that they made you want to write? Do your parents or anyone you know write? Or have you just always enjoyed writing? For me I'd have to say it was reading books. I read some books by David Eddings and Terry Brooks to get me...
  10. K-Dawn


    Christopher Paolini I just finished reading Eragon by him and it's awesome! And he's only 19! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. K-Dawn

    Favorite Sport

    (In soccer) I'm hoping to get a spot on the AA (top) team in my city's club as keeper. I tried out in August and then again in October and now all I can do is wait.
  12. K-Dawn

    Which song are you listening to right now?

    At this moment I'm listening to Like Humans Do by David Byrne, but I'm about ready to switch it to Enter Sandman by Metallica. :D
  13. K-Dawn

    Favorite Sport

    Cheers to that! :D :) ;)
  14. K-Dawn

    Favorite Sport

    I like hockey, too. I've never played it either, but my dad was and awesome golie. :D
  15. K-Dawn

    Favorite Sport

    Hi, everyone! What is your favorite sport? How often do you play it? What's your favorite position (if there is any)? My favorite sport is soccer and I play it during the spring, summer and fall. My favorite position is keeper. :cool:
  16. K-Dawn


    Well, I'm just working on one novel right now (it's the first one I've accually stuck with) and I just call it 'untitled' for now. when I'm done I'll read it over and think of a good title for it. Btw, I suck with names and titles. :o That's one reason why I don't name them right away.
  17. K-Dawn

    Vote for December Book Discussion

    How about The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley?
  18. K-Dawn


    I love books that have maps.(I'm talking about fiction books mainly) That way you can trace the route of the characters and you know their surroundings, where they're going, and basically where everything is. What do you think? I also like drawing maps for my books. I guess it started in 5th...
  19. K-Dawn


    I never make a title first. You can change your mind about a what the book is going to be about when you're halfway done with it. Take Tolkien for example. I read somewhere that he started LOTR over tons of times. If you have a set title that you absolutely love and need to have, and then you...
  20. K-Dawn

    Killing Off Characters

    Exactly. I've not read one book where the main character dies. It's so predictable. You always know the main character is going to survive at least to accomplish what they need to do to defeat evil or whatever they're going up against. I think we need a little variety so that it won't be...