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  1. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    Tad Williams' Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy was also broken up into four books, but I think they only broke them up for the paper back versions. I'm not sure though, it could have been hardcovers too. I heard that the reason was because, at least for the paperbacks, that the book was too...
  2. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    He died recently and his series is not finished. I haven't read the books, but I've heard that the first couple were great and then the series went down hill. I don't really know though. It was a very long series (there are something like 10 or 11 books out already).
  3. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    Yes, but that's ok and now we have Giddieon again. I wish I hadn't read Eragon yet. I just finished it yesterday. I figured it was about time I read the book, but I didn't want to start until the last one was almost out. I thought that if I read Eragon now and maybe even Eldest I would be ok...
  4. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    September 23rd, 2008 is when the link (dated October 30th, 2007) says the book will be coming out.
  5. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    October 30th 2007
  6. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    Obviously not ;) :)
  7. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    Here. From Random House and through Paolini's website. http://www.alagaesia.com/kvetha/paolini_announcement.pdf
  8. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    Thanks for that lesson in the obvious ;) Just telling you what I read there.
  9. Jez

    When is 3rd book of Eragon coming out?

    Wikipedia says September 23, 2008. Don't know if that's true though. It also says there is supposed to be a fourth book, which I didn't know about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inheritance_Cycle
  10. Jez

    Should I get "The Golden Compass"?

    You can also try reading them from the library first. I don't know if you care about editions or not, but if you like them they have the deluxe editions are nice...
  11. Jez

    Should I get "The Golden Compass"?

    2. The Subtle Knife 3. The Amber Spyglass
  12. Jez

    Should I get "The Golden Compass"?

    I liked it. I'd suggest reading all three books though. It's not meant to be a stand alone book.
  13. Jez

    Prohibitive Law vs Protective Justice

    Ok, so the answer to my first question--what is the difference between a protective justice and prohibitive law--the difference is the motive for punishment? In protective justice, a person is not punished because they have broken a law, but rather because they have caused someone harm? Is this...
  14. Jez

    golden compass

    Yes, from what I've heard Pullman is an outspoken atheist and intended the trilogy to reflect what he believes.
  15. Jez

    Prohibitive Law vs Protective Justice

    Hm, I'm confused. What is the difference, to you, between protective justice and prohibitive law? Why do you think that to the courts, and as you're saying- "prohibitive law", the act itself is immaterial outside of the fact that it breaks the law?
  16. Jez

    Amazon just nerfed their customer reviews

    I didn't like it when I first noticed the change because it was a change. Then I realized that I liked it better.
  17. Jez

    Amazon just nerfed their customer reviews

    I like it. I do what you do and look at the lowest first. Now all you have to do to get the lowest is click on where it says how many one star reviews there are and they show you the one star reviews. Works for me.
  18. Jez

    What was it???

    maybe User Unfriendly by Vivian Vande Velde?
  19. Jez

    Harry Potter Fan Fiction?

    I've found this (and its two sequels), but I don't have chapters 9 and 10 of the first story (the one you mention). Haven't read it yet.
  20. Jez

    Contacting an Author

    Do the authors you are interested in contacting have websites? Often they include contact information there. I imagine that would be their preferred way of being contacted, and the best way for you to receive an answer. I've contacted two or three authors this way. Friendly, fast, and helpful...