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  1. mojo

    The Strangest Film Ever

    The baby scene in the book is far far worse, freaked me out.... And the toilet scene in the book actually made me feel physically sick, it's not often a book gets a physical reaction. The film is not nearly as brutal as the book....
  2. mojo

    The Regulators/Desperation by Stephen King/Richard Bachman

    I hated Desperation, as horror books go it was ok, but Stephen King is capable of so much better....
  3. mojo

    What's your occupation?

    Aw thank you :) :) And being a call centre monkey is not a great job, but someone's gotta do it....what would happen if I wasn't here to put people on hold and ruin their day?! The world might grind to a halt :p
  4. mojo

    Getting to know each other... (It's feezzzzzing cold in here :( )

    Aw, see, aren't you lovely?! Rest my case..... :)
  5. mojo

    John Steinbeck

    No, I guess they would have to tone her down a bit, she was truly horrible!
  6. mojo

    So So So Bad It Was Good

    Evil Dead II! It's the most hilarious horror movie ever. Favourite scene when the main character cuts his own hand off because it's possessed and shouts 'Who's laughing now?' at the severed hand before it scuttles off....
  7. mojo

    Getting to know each other... (It's feezzzzzing cold in here :( )

    Hey Sweetsymphony, I was in Chatanooga a few years ago and thought the people were really nice and friendly. Know that has nothing to do with anything but hey... :) welcome to the forum!!!!
  8. mojo

    John Steinbeck

    Wow, I didn't even know there was a movie, let alone with James Dean in it!!! Must find it...
  9. mojo

    What's your occupation?

    I too, am a call centre monkey (for a cable tv faults centre), and a PhD student, what a combination :eek:
  10. mojo

    Where are you going on vacation this year?

    You'll love both Ashlea, (I visited both last year) but there's so much to see and do that you might need another holiday to recover!
  11. mojo

    John Steinbeck

    There's a small section in East of Eden irrelevant to the main bulk of the story about a German in the village that gets ostracised (sp?) by the rest of the town due to the start of the second world war that made me cry my eyes out. If Grapes of Wrath is more powerful than East of Eden, then I...
  12. mojo

    What animal are you?

    I'm a penguin..... maybe thats why I like it here so much :)
  13. mojo

    Where are you going on vacation this year?

    I'm going to Cyprus in two weeks and then India in October, can't wait...
  14. mojo

    What's the best opening line of a book (fiction or non)?

    Thank you, that was driving me mad :)
  15. mojo

    John Steinbeck

    I loved East of Eden, it is a bit hard to get into, but it is worth the effort. Loved Of Mice and Men, I too did it in school. Couldn't get into the Grapes of Wrath though...
  16. mojo

    What's the best opening line of a book (fiction or non)?

    Arrrgh, what's that from? I know I've read that book and I just can't place it....
  17. mojo

    We Shape the Road With Our Feet

    Thanks for explaining that it's literal as well as metaphorical, I didn't pick up on that first time, but see it now, adds an extra level to it.... :)
  18. mojo

    We Shape the Road With Our Feet

    The poem reminded me of Footprints by Margaret Fishback Powe, not just the obvious title but in terms of spirituality and tone: One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed...