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  1. Pax

    Which of this books do you recommend ??

    Thank You two for the help :P I will see what I think about the books ( reading one page and see if I understand ) ... Probably I will buy The Stand and World War Z And then try also to visit Fnac Thanks again :)
  2. Pax

    Which of this books do you recommend ??

    Hey Guys .. I will go to Lisbon and check a good book shop .. Bertrand Its a good shop but has a lack of titles that I may like.. I went to the website and start searching for a few books... Im not an expert at english book reading so , if you think the language of any of this books is not...
  3. Pax

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms - YouTube
  4. Pax

    ebook reader comparisons-Which is the best?

    I would read things that Ive bought from amazon , or found on web mostly (Pdf's normaly ).. Its for trying so I would like spend 100 € at maximum ... ( I would probably buy from amazon.co.uk/.de/.fr ) .. Btw... can Ereaders be used for reading comics/manga ?? And in most of the ocasions I...
  5. Pax

    Hello - Horror Author here :-)

    Hey :D
  6. Pax

    ebook reader comparisons-Which is the best?

    Hey guys.. whats the best cheap ereader ?? I never tried so I would like a cheap one.. for trying , with a good battery and support the usual files.. thats all I need ... other stuff I dont that are that important. Any Help ??
  7. Pax

    Random Image Thread

    Wow O.o... I took some time to see RUN !!! BABYZILLA !!!! The Key for his hearth :whistling:
  8. Pax

    books on your to read list.

    Im starting reading in english.. so this will be all in english: The Stand - Stephen King Pet Sematary - Stephen King The Deadzone - Stephen King Misery - Stephen King Needfull Things - Stephen King The Shining - Stephen King Different Seasons - Stephen King World Made by Hand - James Howard...
  9. Pax

    Post Book Cover: Your Current Read...

    Decided to read other english book and read Sherlock later..
  10. Pax

    Favorite Character in Harry Potter

    Thats right.. other thing that was amazing in her character was her horrible laugh :lol: But I just loved when Mrs. Weasley kills her ... Sweet Revenge :D
  11. Pax

    Random Image Thread

    I loved this three ones:
  12. Pax

    Current Non-Fiction reads

    There are some books here that I should try in the future :p
  13. Pax

    Post Book Cover: Your Current Read...

    The yellow is not that strong .. beside that its the same book cover
  14. Pax


    Hey :D Welcome to the forum .. Im also newbie and its really awesome :p If you have any question .. just ask, anyone will have problems helping you :)
  15. Pax

    Favorite Character in Harry Potter

    Bellatrix made me be very sad in two time.. Sirius death.. very sad moment the other one was Dobby's death .. I cryed in that one :'(
  16. Pax

    Did I start off with the wrong Stephen King?

    Im new at reading in english.. and I will order The Stand from amazon.co.uk I will order Harry Potter for training also.. and the only thing that I had the oportunity to read in english was Sherlock Holmes .. 3 chapters of the book that Im reading.. What book from him do you think is simpler...
  17. Pax

    Who is your favorite author?

    2º-Agatha Christie is my second fave 1º-Sir Aurthor Conan Doyle
  18. Pax

    Did I start off with the wrong Stephen King?

    Now I checked the english title of the first book that I bought from him... Different Seasons I havent read all of the four stories .. ( after concludng the first book from Sherlock Holmes I will give them a shot again ) but there is one , Shawshank prisoners That I speacially liked , ( maybe...
  19. Pax

    Did I start off with the wrong Stephen King?

    Btw I have a doubt about a book from him.. what do you think of the Dark Half ?? I bought as the first full story book from him .. what do you think about it ?
  20. Pax

    Did I start off with the wrong Stephen King?

    I never had the oportunaty of reading that novel , but I think a good one from him is The Stand.. I only read a small novel in a story book from him .. called " night surf " ( search on web and see if you like ) , if you do .. buy The Stand ( the real book , over 1000 pages ) and give it...