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Search results

  1. Halcyon

    Where Did Everyone Go?

    Sign, you got me. I guess I’ll just be a youth worker. I hear any loser can do that. I just hope I’m not still doing it by the time I’m 46! :D Edit: not to offend any youth workers. This came from Mr. Banter’s profile: Occupation: I'm a youth worker working with young offenders. Lots...
  2. Halcyon

    Where Did Everyone Go?

    hahahahaha... I would put forth that we're all students of something or another. Some of us just choose it as a full-time vocation because professional schools keep denying perfectly wonderful applications from creative and extremely intelligent people.
  3. Halcyon

    Where Did Everyone Go?

    "If bullshit was music, that fellow would be a brass band." :D - Paddy Crosbie.
  4. Halcyon

    internet or book?

    What exactly is 'serious' research? A source need be valid, not serious. But I repeat myself.
  5. Halcyon

    internet or book?

    That seems ridiculous to me. A source need be valid, not “serious” in order for your “university to take it.” The whole idea of graduating with an advanced degree is to contribute to the development of your field of study. To exclude the opinions of research scientists (scientific or liberal art...
  6. Halcyon

    Suggestions: March 2005

    I nominate The Book of Ultimate Truths - by Robert Rankin I posted the thread Hilarious Reads asking for very ‘hilarious’ reads. While I was given many I want to read, this book looks fantastic. SillyWabbit recomended this author and said, "Anything by Robert Rankin! He has a very surreal...
  7. Halcyon

    internet or book?

    I don’t think anyone will argue, honeydevil, that the Internet is your best friend for school-like research. But, within this thread I see potential for an interesting topic: Are books dead for reference and research? I personally like books more than electronic information. But it is nothing...
  8. Halcyon

    What Does Research Say About Reading?

    I asked these guys a question like what I think you're getting at here: Getting the Most Out of Reading I found there advice very helpful in 'getting more our of reading.'
  9. Halcyon

    Reading in the Bathtub

    Confess wrinkly toed bookworms! :D And explain your position on rubber duck reading!
  10. Halcyon

    What is a "good book"

    HAHAHAHA.. ROFL!!! PS. My responce is a reasonable contribution to this intellectual discussion – is it not? :D
  11. Halcyon

    Hilarious Reads

    I loved Douglas Adam’s Hitcher’s Guide to the Galaxy. I thought it was hilarious. It reminded me of Monty Python style humor. Can you bookworms (meant in the best possible way) recommend anything of similar style or just something you found hilarious?
  12. Halcyon

    What Does Research Say About Reading?

    To me, this article doesn’t seem specific enough to answer your double question mark question. Nor is it specific enough to answer what you missed by doing that. I found it a very informative study categorized by: Old and New Definitions of Reading Important Findings from Cognitive...
  13. Halcyon

    Reading for knowledge through fiction

    I agree with your points, but I think phil_t was trying to say that ultimately the knowledge could be sound or spurious and you're sort of putting your trust blindly in the hands of the author. If the author did a good job you’re golden, if not, you've got more misconceptions than the Unabomber.
  14. Halcyon

    What's your favorite movie scene?

    The 7th Seal - A must! Antonius Block (Max Von Sydow), a knight, returns from a 10-year crusade with his squire, Jöns (Gunnar Björnstrand), to find his homeland ravaged by the plague. When the black-cloaked figure of Death (Bengt Ekerot) appears to claim them, Block, whose war experiences have...
  15. Halcyon

    How good is your reading?

    Sometimes you have sections in verbal exams like what you are talking about. The GRE used to have a section that played word games. I believe the LSAT does, but I haven’t taken any practice LSATS so don’t know for sure. The only two I know anything about are the GRE verbal, and the MCAT verbal...
  16. Halcyon

    Reading Comprehension Exams

    I got most of mine from prep books. But Ell gave a link where you can get old MCATs.
  17. Halcyon

    Plagiarism vs. influence vs. parameters of a common subject

    I like this: "To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is research." -Anon.
  18. Halcyon

    Audio books?

    They are wonderful on long-drives, and they're saving my hearing from the typical destructive forces of loud music. :) I like to listen to audio books that I would never read because I’m too afraid I would have a hard time with the book. I like voluminous biographies and things of that nature.
  19. Halcyon

    What is a "good book"

    "The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it." -James Bryce
  20. Halcyon

    Reading Comprehension Exams

    January 9, 2005 Scored a 10 on MCAT practice (v. good. I am not bad reader. 70.9 – 84.4 percentile for 2004 administered exams) January 16, 2005 Scored a 5 on MCAT practice (v. bad. I am worse reader on earth. percentile too embarrassing to disclose) January 23, 2005 Next...