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Search results

  1. Halcyon

    J.D. Salinger: The Catcher In The Rye

    I read this book just recently for the first time. I kept thinking Holden was going to die or kill himself. He had wild swings in emotions. I felt kind of … I don’t know… unhappy through the experience. I really like the character development and the prospective of Holden, but I think I’m more...
  2. Halcyon

    Please Help Me Choose Some Periodicals

    I already spent 4 years in college. I have no intenion of going back! :D I think you mean the GRE from my other post. That is for graduate school, not admission for undergraduates.
  3. Halcyon

    How good is your reading?

    No, I understand the descriptions fine. I classify a skillful reader as one who can perform under those constraints (the description of what the verbal exam covers) and be in the… say… 80th percentile nation wide. The MCAT tests about 2 years of college. From those two years you learn all...
  4. Halcyon

    Please Help Me Choose Some Periodicals

    National Geographic and Readers' Digest are coming to a mail box near me. Before you know... I'll know how to read :cool: edit: opps, forgot to say thanks... thanks!
  5. Halcyon

    Please Help Me Choose Some Periodicals

    I want to train myself for standardized exam verbal sections. Originally, I thought reading 100 fiction novels in 2005 would be more than enough, but in a post I made recently, How good is your reading , I got some feedback that tells me I might be on the wrong track. I’m going to continue with...
  6. Halcyon

    How good is your reading?

    Dire, thanks for your response. I must disagree with you though. I think learning more from passages has everything to do with your comprehension skills. I think a huge reason why a lot of people don't enjoy certain books is because they do not have the necessary reading skills. Conversely, I...
  7. Halcyon

    Getting the Most Out of Reading

    Ahh, so you argue that reading fiction doesn’t lead to the development of a reader in this area(word relationships)? You think a more direct approach is better. Like, studying a vocab book is better than reading book with a dictionary on the table next to you. I've had this thought too, but...
  8. Halcyon

    how do YOU find books to die for??

    hahaha. Yes, and somehow, I don't feel sorry. :D But seriously, What is proper etiquette regarding spoilers?
  9. Halcyon

    Robert Jordan: Wheel of Time

    wanna sell them? :)
  10. Halcyon

    E.B. White: Charlotte's Web

    IT DOES? :eek: Thanks a lot!!!
  11. Halcyon

    how do YOU find books to die for??

    Yeah, but I never open threads in any forum with just the title as the name of a book because of spoilers. Not only can that not help you find a good book, but can ruin one that you never knew was good. :p I didn’t want to know that Charlotte dies in the end of Charlotte Web and I’m bitter now...
  12. Halcyon

    Janet Evanovich

    I can tell you what I remember; I read them awhile ago. Ordinary Life: Stories A bunch of, as I recall, mostly sad stories. I remember a part in this book, no idea what story, where a young (maybe they were old... it doesn’t matter) couple (I think she was cheating on her husband and in the...
  13. Halcyon

    How good is your reading?

    Are you a good reader? How do you know how ‘good’ you are? Well, for me, there are two tests that measure that. I bombed the first one (46th percentile). I take the second one this August. Read the following descriptions and tell me, experienced reader, how well do you think you, based on all...
  14. Halcyon

    Getting the Most Out of Reading

    I want the ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, to analyze relationships among component parts of sentences, to recognize relationships between words and concepts, and to reason with words in solving problems. Why? Because this represents...
  15. Halcyon

    Which magazines do you read?

    I dig Chess Life Mag.
  16. Halcyon

    Janet Evanovich

    This thread is getting a little too weird for me. :D I sort of hope I didn’t connect with her too much. Though, I admit, I read a bunch of Elizabeth Burg (seemly girly books) novels: Ordinary Life: Stories Open House: a Novel Joy School and really only kept reading them because of the...
  17. Halcyon

    Robert Jordan: Wheel of Time

    To those who have read the books – what is the writing like relative to the lord of the rings series? I was thinking about this series too, but I don’t want to read a set like Tolkien’s work right now. Especially 8 of them :o
  18. Halcyon

    how do YOU find books to die for??

    I have a limited number of fiction books under my belt, so I listen to the people on this forum :p . It's worked well so far, but maybe I need a better method :(
  19. Halcyon

    What books did u score for Xmas then?

    Speaking of books as gifts... Do you think a studnet could get away with giving his used books away as gifts? Think of the money you'd save on birthdays/christmas ect. Though, I guess, you would have to be a really poor, pathetic, student like myself :p
  20. Halcyon

    Christopher Moore

    Thanks for the tip. I'll let you know in a week or two :)