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  1. W

    Best American Non-Required Reading: 2008

    Non-Required 2008 Yes - some of the offerings are not as good as others. I skimmed a couple that I didn't find that interesting, but the ones that I liked seemed to make up for them. Thanks for responding!
  2. W

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    Bret Easton Ellis I know he's been criticized for his anti-feminist imagination (i.e. American Psycho), but his detailed writing style and critical points about American popular culture make Ellis a fascinating read. Of course, I love Salinger, but I'd have to say that if I was put on the spot...
  3. W


    Thanks for the warm wishes! Hello everyone, Thanks for making me feel so welcome! I just finished reading The Best American Non-Required Reading 2008 and I attempted to start my first discussion on it, so we'll see how that goes. I typically read non-fiction for my profession - mostly...
  4. W


    Hello everyone, I'm excited to discuss books and other literary happenings with all of you! I just submitted my first post and I can't wait for my first discussion. Have a wonderful afternoon!
  5. W

    Best American Non-Required Reading: 2008

    Hello everyone, Has anyone read this collection yet? I (try) to read this every year and I'd love hear what others thought - favorites, critiques, whatever. I thought Emily Raboteau's "Searching for Zion" was quite interesting. I really appreciate literary journalism, and this installment was...