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Search results

  1. Miss Shelf

    James Frey: A Million Little Pieces

    I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to write a book that has falsified facts that could easily be challenged and refuted. I have to wonder if all this controversy is somehow orchestrated in order to attract attention and sell more copies? and as for the "experts" on...
  2. Miss Shelf

    Pease explain why this is art.

    My bedroom trash can overflowing with used tissues, Band-Aid wrappers, a sock with a hole in the heel, toenail clippings, dog hair, and other things unmentionable in mixed company, trumps your dirty clothes. A steal at $250,000, no euros please. PayPal accepted. It will be encased in Lucite...
  3. Miss Shelf

    Pease explain why this is art.

    what about a bidet? isn't that art?
  4. Miss Shelf

    Alexander McCall Smith: The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency

    I love the books! When I read them, I feel calm, and they have an old-fashioned, commonsense feel to them. Very basic plots, uplifting and sometimes funny. This may not sound like an enthusiastic recommendation, but I'm enthusiastic about them. They're nice for when I want a break from heavy...
  5. Miss Shelf

    Victor Huge and Church Protection

    I love it when you're clueless, Clueless! :D Its Victor Hugo for those of you who are genuinely stumped.
  6. Miss Shelf

    Aidan Chambers: Dance On My Grave

    Is this person trying to make us curious so we'll look for the book? :rolleyes:
  7. Miss Shelf

    Where do you go to find out of print books?

    there's always ABEbooks and you can try powells.com
  8. Miss Shelf

    The Da Vinci Code

    are you trying to make Miss Shelf cry? SFG, I'll get you for starting this, just you wait!
  9. Miss Shelf

    Dan Brown

    Prove it. Say something that makes no sense whatsoever, cannot be backed up with facts, and is long-winded. :D
  10. Miss Shelf

    The Da Vinci Code

    You too?? what is this, "Pick on Miss Shelf Day" or something? God, I hate Mondays. FYI, the last full moon was on the 14th, so isn't this harassment a bit late? :rolleyes:
  11. Miss Shelf

    James Frey: A Million Little Pieces

    I'm looking forward to what you think about it, Doug-don't forget to update here.
  12. Miss Shelf

    The Da Vinci Code

    Are you trying to destroy my credibility on this forum?? Why, SFG, I'm shocked, truly shocked! I'm forced to tell the world you've confessed to a secret fondness for the works of Barbara Cartland in our many imaginary PM's. :rolleyes:
  13. Miss Shelf

    Cancelled TV Shows

    I'm particularly sad that "Judging Amy" was cancelled, because I really enjoyed that show-a clean, realistic family drama. I watch it in reruns on cable. But I think that the show might have gone as far as it could. I didn't relish the show becoming "Judging Amy Goes to Washington". I hope...
  14. Miss Shelf

    The Da Vinci Code

    And I should care, why? :D
  15. Miss Shelf

    Dan Brown

    You forgot to say that I am not Dan Brown. But you might be! :p
  16. Miss Shelf

    Dan Brown

    ACK!! This thread has been resurrected. Drive a stake through its heart! And delete that spammer's thread, please.
  17. Miss Shelf

    Victor Huge and Church Protection

    then I apologize for the "lazy" comment, but I still think you'd be better off using a search engine for yourself. Unless anyone here can give you the information you need, then you'd be lucky. :)
  18. Miss Shelf

    autographed copy?

    Besides, autographed copies are only good if they're rare, and first editions. A first edition, signed, of the first book is worth investing in, but probably it's at an astronomical price. As for first editions unsigned, I wouldn't bother collecting those, since in a few years, after the...
  19. Miss Shelf

    Victor Huge and Church Protection

    I smell a student who's too lazy to do his or her own research for an assignment. There are plenty of resources online that you can look up for yourself.
  20. Miss Shelf

    Margaret Coel

    anyone read any books by this author?