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  1. Miss Shelf

    The Wolf

    Stewart is very good at finding flaws; many times he points out things that I overlooked. If I ever finish a book I'm going to let him read it first-I figure that criticism from him would be more praise than from someone not as nitpicky who would tell me "it's terrific" when it really needs...
  2. Miss Shelf

    The Wolf

    I don't understand this at all. Written this way, you're saying that the scent of blood has less chance of getting lost. I agree with CDA-learn the difference between "it's" and "its". As to manatherindrell's remarks, I don't see why those words need to be changed.
  3. Miss Shelf

    Making characters three-dimensional

    Yes, I got that much. Do you see this as a wake-up call for writers, editors, and such? Or is it simply someone's opinion that makes Pixar look good?
  4. Miss Shelf

    1919-2000's A Look Back???

    Is this the series? http://www.biblio.com/books/58087981.html
  5. Miss Shelf

    1919-2000's A Look Back???

    If you went to B&N and they knew what they were but didn't carry them, why don't you know the name of the series?
  6. Miss Shelf

    I got a sword.

    Nothing is overkill against the creepy crawlies of the world! :D
  7. Miss Shelf

    Making characters three-dimensional

    That was difficult to read as the actual slide-show essay wouldn't fit in the window, so I couldn't read the bottom sentences, and not seeing any buttons I started clicking on the pictures, then realized the article continued with each picture, and I didn't see a back button so I read what I...
  8. Miss Shelf

    Interesting way to revitalize your writing career.

    Maybe sirkmyk can do something newsworthy to boost publicity for his book? What should he do? Not anything too naughty. ;)
  9. Miss Shelf

    Just When I Think I've Heard It All

    I've heard of M. Scott Peck, but never read anything by him. This sounds disturbing though-a counselor who "sees evil"?? A psychologist or psychiatrist wouldn't think in terms of "evil". This makes me think it would make a good mystery story-a counselor who kills people he thinks have "evil" in...
  10. Miss Shelf

    Book or e-book?

    Yes, it's important to be able to underline, or use Post-It notes on pages of importance! Where's the fun of hunting for a bookmark, when reading an e-book? Is slopping pizza sauce on a PDA quite the same as slopping pizza sauce on the pages of a book? Can an e-book be thrown across the room...
  11. Miss Shelf

    You know you're addicted to reading when...

    I do this, and I feel dirty. :o I buy purses based on whether they will accomodate at least a paperback book.
  12. Miss Shelf

    I got a sword.

    That is one of the grossest-looking bugs I've ever seen. I'm going to go somewhere else and try to erase this image from my mind so I don't have nightmares tonight. manatherindrell, you are evil for posting that picture! :eek:
  13. Miss Shelf


    Gary Cooper? Be still, my throbbing heart! He is #2 behind John Wayne. I know Little House on the Prairie and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman can't really be called Western shows, but I liked them because they showed how people lived on the frontier, unlike the movies where the female stars were...
  14. Miss Shelf


    Well, there was always Bewitched!
  15. Miss Shelf

    Book or e-book?

    e-books just seem unnatural and an affront to mankind, somehow! :cool:
  16. Miss Shelf


    I think there was nothing else on to watch! :D
  17. Miss Shelf

    I got a sword.

    I call anybug in the house "a bug with a death wish"-especially the ones who taunt me while I'm at the computer. Seriously, I think flies follow me from room to room and when I settle down, they proceed to annoy me like they want me to kill them. :D
  18. Miss Shelf


    It looks like we'll never agree on this, so let's drop it.
  19. Miss Shelf


    ooh, brings back memories: Alias Smith and Jones; Wild, Wild West (I never missed it if I could help it), and Bonanza, of course! :)
  20. Miss Shelf

    I got a sword.

    do you think we're born with an apprehension of creepy crawly things or is it learned-i.e. by Mom or a sibling shrieking and carrying on, or yelling "don't touch that thing!"?