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  1. Miss Shelf

    I got a sword.

    If a spider that size was in my house, I'd just move out with the clothes on my back. :eek: I didn't mind Arachnophobia, I squirmed a little at some scenes though. Made me want to check and make sure I have at least one can of bug spray in the house. :D
  2. Miss Shelf


    I think I do: The point: Westerns are not Westerns because of when they take place, Westerns are Westerns because of what they are. I have a problem with that classification: to me, and probably a lot of other people, "Westerns" take place in the Old West, before there were telephones and...
  3. Miss Shelf

    I got a sword.

    a shoe works for me! The icky part is washing off the remnants. :p
  4. Miss Shelf


    Sorry, but that doesn't quite answer the question. Just because a story is about a couple defending their home and property, and (trying to) defending the woman from being raped, doesn't make it a Western. I'll concede that shows like Brisco County Jr. can't be 100% Westerns, but they're a...
  5. Miss Shelf


    Better not let Stewart see this thread! :D
  6. Miss Shelf


    True, it's set in modern-day England, but can it really be classed as a Western?
  7. Miss Shelf


    That has to be the best one ever made! (no offense to John Wayne) :)
  8. Miss Shelf


    I don't think Straw Dogs is a Western, what made you list it?
  9. Miss Shelf

    James Alexander Thom

    aww, you're making me blush! :o But "Follow the River" is really good!
  10. Miss Shelf

    Napoleon Dynamite

    I watched the first 15-30 minutes of it then took it back to the library I borrowed it from. Utter drivel, and I didn't even chuckle.
  11. Miss Shelf

    Parodies-a challenge

    Ron Jeremy was a porn star in the '70s.
  12. Miss Shelf

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Holidays! and if you don't celebrate any of these, well... have a nice day! :)
  13. Miss Shelf

    Parodies-a challenge

    ...could what? Don't keep us in suspense! :D
  14. Miss Shelf

    In honor of my 1,000th post

    I think you might have confused the cliches "tall, dark and handsome" with "the strong, silent type". so you're short, blonde and ugly? ;) :D
  15. Miss Shelf

    In honor of my 1,000th post

    not tall, dark and handsome, then? ;)
  16. Miss Shelf

    Psychic abilities

    You've got small hands, huh? ;) Okay, how have your bowel movements been lately?
  17. Miss Shelf

    In honor of my 1,000th post

    You're gonna get worse than slapped fingers, buster! :D
  18. Miss Shelf

    Psychic abilities

    You shovel it? I pick it up with a plastic bag! Wussy! :p
  19. Miss Shelf

    Psychic abilities

    You obviously don't have a dog. Since he can't tell me he doesn't feel well, I check his poop to make sure he's OK. Like I always say, it's poop, not nuclear waste. :rolleyes:
  20. Miss Shelf

    Psychic abilities

    are you trying to make me cry? :(