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  1. Miss Shelf

    Strange thing about pizza

    Chicago deep-dish is the best, IMO. I've got a recipe for making a pizza, have made it many times and is delicious but lacks a certain something. I think it's because food tends to taste better when you eat out-you know you don't have to wash the dishes afterwards! ;)
  2. Miss Shelf


    Thanks everyone! Peder-I was in a lot of pain, and they wouldn't give me enough morphine to completely dull the pain in the ER because they were waiting for the surgeon to come and look at me. I had to lay there for five hours before I went to the operating room-on top of more than 24 hours...
  3. Miss Shelf

    "How Opal Mehta Got" copied story - Kaavya Viswanathan

    I wanted to know how a 19-year old could have gotten published, let alone with such a big fat paycheck. I read in the newspaper today that the movie will still be on no matter what happens with the book. We should all be so lucky. :rolleyes:
  4. Miss Shelf


    Not the kind in books, the one in your body. I had mine removed last weekend and have been recuperating. Do I win the prize for best excuse for not being around? How many of you have experienced that horrible pain and the operation to remove it?
  5. Miss Shelf

    Favorite Line(s) from a movie?

    "I'll be back"-Terminator :D
  6. Miss Shelf

    Favorite T.V. Commercial

    I like that commercial for the cell phone (can't remember which brand) where the three guys are in an office dancing really weirdly and their supervisor comes in and asks them if stuff is gettig done and they show him it is, and go back to dancing weird. Cracks me up every time!
  7. Miss Shelf

    Happy Birthday Shade!

    Happy Birthday!! Save a piece of cake for me-if it's chocolate! :D
  8. Miss Shelf

    Page Number Check

    Oh, I always knew everyone here wasn't "normal"! :D Libre, I tried memorizing what came before and after it and I can never find it again, or I'm too impatient. I suppose a camera phone would come in handy at times like this-take a picture of the passage! I could always write the page...
  9. Miss Shelf

    Best War Book

    wasn't "All Quiet on the Western Front" about WWI?
  10. Miss Shelf

    Page Number Check

    You're weird! :p It sounds like a perfectly normal obsession. I've often checked the page numbers myself-I've had books with very thin paper pages that stuck together and like you, I was mystified when the next page didn't make sense. I was just thinking last night, why don't books have...
  11. Miss Shelf

    Contractions and writing style

    You're right to a point, but when the author has the styles change in the course of one conversation, when there is no reason for it, it's distracting. Look at the difference between these two sentences: "You don't know what you're talking about. If you paid more attention, you would know...
  12. Miss Shelf

    Best War Book

    I liked Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris; A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute; The Winds of War and War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk; A Bridge Too Far and The Longest Day by Cornelius Ryan. I've read a lot of books about WWII but that was a while back, can't remember them all, these...
  13. Miss Shelf

    Reading Camp

    I never heard of reading camp either, when I saw the title of this thread I thought it was about reading campy books. Imagine that-a camp where all you do is read! No idiotic craft projects, (well, lanyards are practically required at any camp) no embarrassing spills out of the canoe in the...
  14. Miss Shelf

    Jet Trails

    Interesting! There are often contrails in the sky behind my house, I like to watch jets as they leave the trails and they get biggger before they dissipate. I'm assuming they're coming and going from the airport. After 9/11 when air traffic was suspended, I saw contrails going in an entirely...
  15. Miss Shelf

    Contractions and writing style

    I was wondering if it bothers anyone else when an author shifts between using contractions such as "aren't", "won't", "I'm", etc. and using whole words-"am not", "will not", "I am"? I always thought that for most casual conversations, people only use the whole words when they're trying to...
  16. Miss Shelf


    Yes, I liked her after a while, but more important, what happened to the son? Last I heard he was still in Holding. I was wondering if this season he'd be grown up and working for CTU. Remember, they're supposed to be a few years into the future.
  17. Miss Shelf

    I've had it

    speaking of food, what's with all the additives they're putting into everything these days? Vitamins in water, in bread, orange juice, etc, etc. I worry that I'll get more than is good for me because I take a multivitamin and a calcium pill and vitamin C. If I eat or drink foods that have...
  18. Miss Shelf


    Now it all makes sense though, don't you think?
  19. Miss Shelf

    China Plans To Build 32 New Nuclear Plants

    Y a know, if you want to sleep at night, you shouldn't read stuff like that. Sometimes burying your head in the dirt is a good thing. :eek:
  20. Miss Shelf

    I've had it

    well, I agree, but if I answered the door and one was standing on the porch, I think I'd lose what little mind I have left! :D