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  1. Miss Shelf

    i am amazing

    speak for yourself, Steffee! :D
  2. Miss Shelf

    A Warning that I have arrived

    I was talking about being in a bookstore and physically flipping through the pages of a book. Most online book sellers will only let you see the first page or two, which doesn't tell me about a book at all. I generally go to the middle of the book to see if I like the writing style...
  3. Miss Shelf

    A Warning that I have arrived

    I'll agree to disagree, but I think you have a very narrow viewpoint about mass market books. They're there because a publishing house thought they were worth spending money on to publish. Yes, not all mass market books are well-written or error-free, but I would trust a book from a...
  4. Miss Shelf


    I was really upset that they killed off so many of my favorites. :mad:
  5. Miss Shelf

    Sujata Massey

    I finished the book last night and I really liked it, so much that I ordered the first three in the series from my local library. I like how Rei is conscious of looking older (at just 30!!) , and grows to accept it. The last line of the book is "...and because I finally understood that my own...
  6. Miss Shelf

    A Warning that I have arrived

    I have rarely come across an ego the size of yours. Let me just say that if your books ever are carried by bookstores, I won't be throwing my money away on anything by you. :cool: Plenty of people enjoy and buy mass-market books for a reason- they are for the most part well written, edited...
  7. Miss Shelf


    You aren't in the US, are you? Best to state that when discussing TV shows because you might get some spoilers you didn't want to know. :)
  8. Miss Shelf

    Tell the truth now...

    do you read your horoscope every day? Do you prefer the one in the newspaper, or do you get it daily online? Do you believe in it, or do you look at it as something that's just for fun? Has a horoscope prediction ever come true for you? Would you avoid doing something like traveling because...
  9. Miss Shelf

    Israel Trip

    Thanks for sharing the pics! Looks like it was a very interesting and enjoyable trip. :)
  10. Miss Shelf

    Weirdest book

    Wisconsin Death Trip by Michael Lesey. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&isbn=0826321933&itm=1 It's been a long time since I read it and I still have it, I don't remember much about it, but I do remember that it's a very interesting book. Come to think of it, I...
  11. Miss Shelf

    Sujata Massey

    I'm reading "The Typhoon Lover", really like it so far and wonder if anyone's read any books in the Rei Shimura series?
  12. Miss Shelf

    Thought provoking question

    I prefer to think of the solar system as being a bunch of colorful balls being juggled by an unseen pair of hands.
  13. Miss Shelf

    I've had it

    Have you been looking longingly at sports cars/convertibles and visualizing lovely young things eager to ride in them with you?
  14. Miss Shelf

    Thought provoking question

    well, if the answer is zero, and you knew it couldn't weight anything because of its position in space and zero gravity, then there shouldn't be a question of how much it weighs, therefore the question doesn't exist. I think. I'm not real good at philosophical discussions. :D
  15. Miss Shelf

    Thought provoking question

    That is no fun at all. A question like this isn't something you can look up and calculate, it's more fun to just guess off the top of your head. :D
  16. Miss Shelf

    I've had it

    Libre, is it possible you have PMS? ;) :D
  17. Miss Shelf

    Thought provoking question

    This may be one of those questions we're better off not knowing the answer to, kind of like if we really wanted to understand what holds a jumbo jet aloft full of fuel and passengers, we'd look for the answer, but some of us would rather not know. :D
  18. Miss Shelf

    Thought provoking question

    yes, but what is the tortoise standing on?
  19. Miss Shelf

    Thought provoking question

    One plupillion,, three hundred twenty-four thousand gazillion, five hundred seventy-two kajillion, and change pounds. A better question would be, what's holding the Earth up in orbit? ;)
  20. Miss Shelf

    I've had it

    Libre: I feel the same as you most of the time. When that happens and I feel unappreciated and unloved and ignored I just back away for a while. I do other things, visit other sites, and then come back. In most of the boards I visit, I rarely get any attention or acknowledgement, and when I...