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Search results

  1. Miss Shelf

    price wanted

    You'd be better off loking up titles of books you want to sell on abebooks or even ebay, that will give you an idea of what your book is worth.
  2. Miss Shelf

    How to keep a book looks like new forever.

    I remove the dust jackets while I read the books, and put them back on when I finish. That's one way to keep the dj's looking nice.
  3. Miss Shelf

    Pages magazine

    Does anyone subscribe, or even read one of these magazines? It looks interesting. I hesitate to subscribe without reading one, I'll be looking in my local B&N for one. http://www.pagesmagazine.com/
  4. Miss Shelf

    "Mom delivers 16th child" - Is there something wrong with this?

    I'm talking about friends who come over, or spending time with friends on a day to day basis; friends who aren't necessarily approved of, but appeal to the child perhaps simply because they're different. That family just sounds like there's so much to be done at home that there's no time for...
  5. Miss Shelf

    "Mom delivers 16th child" - Is there something wrong with this?

    I saw that show about them moving in last night. Now they don't have to wait so long for a bathroom. I found myself wondering if those kids have any friends outside the family, in a previous show they would have worship with other members of whatever religion they belong to, but I think...
  6. Miss Shelf

    TV shows I've lost interest in

    If they pull any stunts like that, I might wind up not watching TV altogether. I'd just borrow DVDs from the library. Although I'm sure that soon, movies will have even more advertising than they do now. The DVD player I have won't let me FF thru the copyright warnings and the studio logos. I...
  7. Miss Shelf

    TV shows I've lost interest in

    Two and a Half Men is really funny sometimes, but it has too much sex for my taste. It's all about the guys getting laid by brainless bimbos. And you're right, it mimics Sheen's life, which I'm not interested in. I agree about the old days, and the reruns only in the summer. Nowadays they...
  8. Miss Shelf

    TV shows I've lost interest in

    As far as "24", I've missed some episodes bacause I rely on the captions, and two of the episodes didn't have captions. They re-ran those soon after and the captions came on and off, so I stopped watching. Then last week's episode had captions-until the last 20 minutes or so. I wanted to throw...
  9. Miss Shelf

    TV shows I've lost interest in

    I used to not miss an episode of "Desperate Housewives" or "LOST", but lately I find I can survive quite well without seeing either of them. I don't know, it seems that every time a new show starts collecting viewers and critics, and the stars get bigger heads, the quality of the show declines...
  10. Miss Shelf

    Debra Galant: Rattled

    I finished this book last night. Like the blurb on the front cover, it reminds me a lot of Carl Hiaasen's books, but this one is set in New Jersey and centers around a housing development and endangered timber rattlesnakes. A self-centered housewife who has just moved into a "McMansion"-a huge...
  11. Miss Shelf

    Happy Birthday Prairie Girl!

    Happy Birthday! :)
  12. Miss Shelf

    Happy Birthday Abecedarian!!

    Happy belated Birthday! :)
  13. Miss Shelf

    Jack Wild

    another one gone. :( I remember him from "Oliver!" and "H. R. Pufnstuf".
  14. Miss Shelf

    You've just gotta see it...

    I wonder why it is that some people just can't get those differences? It kind of ruins things for me in books when there are those typos. I wonder if book editors nowadays are running things through computer spell checkers instead of doing it themselves?
  15. Miss Shelf

    Why do you read fiction?

    I agree. Good analogy! I read fiction to escape. Reading about other people's (fictionalized) troubles is a good way to forget about my own. I like fiction where people who do wrong get what's coming to them, since it so often doesn't turn out that way in real life.
  16. Miss Shelf

    You've just gotta see it...

    what gets me to grind my teeth are "mantel/mantle" (as in 'she put on her mantel'), "pedal/peddle" ('he was peddling his bicycle'), and "bridal/bridle" (often misused with 'bridle path') :mad:
  17. Miss Shelf

    You've just gotta see it...

    I always thought "or less" is OK for grocery lanes. Not everyone can understand "15 items or fewer". :rolleyes: It reminds me of the debate over "different from" and "different than". Actually, I think it's nit-picking. I prefer to save my indignation for more blatant misspellings (the...
  18. Miss Shelf

    You've just gotta see it...

    what's wrong with "15 items or less"?
  19. Miss Shelf

    Jealous readers

    Fight for your books! You can let them have your children and your husband, and the contents of your refrigerator, but never let 'em get your books!
  20. Miss Shelf

    Bookshelf organisation

    oh, gee, mine are all over the place. Periodically I look over them, mostly when I'm looking for a particular book. Funnily enough, I remember mroe or less where the one I'm looking for is, even though they're all mixed up, no "organization" at all. Now if I had the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves...