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  1. Miss Shelf

    What Did You Read in February?

    I'm currently going through a lucky phase, where I'm finding books I want to read as fast as I can read them. I go for long periods where I can't find anything I like to read, then sometimes I get lucky. I think my lucky phase is slowing down, could be that in April I'll have read only a couple...
  2. Miss Shelf

    Jealous readers

    That's appalling, not to mention extremely rude. No matter if you love them to death, I'd grab the book (or newspaper) back and say "then you can wait till I'm done with it". If they can't wait, suggest they go get the same book, even if they have to buy it. I wouldn't leave books or...
  3. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    I'm confounded. The only "double" extensions I can think of is "double-team" and "double entendre". I need more coffee, or maybe someone else will get this one! :D
  4. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    Giving it the old college try: 3. a love? 14. Never Say Never Again?
  5. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    23-okay, I'll make a dumb guess-tiddlywinks?
  6. Miss Shelf

    What Did You Read in February?

    If the mods have a problem with this thread, they'll do something about it. Moto, this smells like still more pot-stirring and it's getting really old. What are you doing, pushing the envelope so you get banned and then can go complain about TBF on another forum, or what??
  7. Miss Shelf

    Lost Another Good One - Dennis Weaver

    sure gives credence to the theory that celebrities die in threes.
  8. Miss Shelf

    What Did You Read in February?

    Moto, why should this thread bother you? did you even read any books in February? Or lately? I don't see you participating in any book discussions. Here are my February reads: Are You Afraid of the Dark?-Sidney Sheldon The Dark Lady-Sally Spencer The Golden Mile to Murder-Sally...
  9. Miss Shelf

    Children doing work experience

    Good for you! :) Her choice of work experience will give her an idea of how much work small children are, I know that helping to take care of my sister's first baby during my school summer vacations made me realize that there's nothing romantic about taking care of a baby, so I didn't have any...
  10. Miss Shelf

    Children doing work experience

    There's a difference of course, between volunteering and being required to do something. Are the kids allowed to choose where they'll work? If nothing else, it gives them a taste of the real world-not everyone bounces out of bed in the morning breathless with anticipation at going to work. The...
  11. Miss Shelf

    Children doing work experience

    I didn't have to do work for school credit, but I did volunteer as a candy striper at a hospital, I worked in the X-ray department filing X-rays. It was interesting and I got to see (in a limited way) what goes on in a hospital without being a patient. I don't think "work experience" or...
  12. Miss Shelf

    I think a Quiz / Games Sub-Forum...

    very funny, Shade. I'd think a games sub-forum would need little moderating. Unless some people start a fight over a trivia question. :rolleyes:
  13. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    #13-apples are Biblical! If that's not it, umm...bread? goat? wheat? If it were me, I'd have chocolate. :p
  14. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    #13-a chocolate bar-Mars Bar, Snickers? No Think way back, what kind of food was eaten centuries ago, millenia even? umm...apples? fish? brontosaurus? #9-*smacks forehead* Indian Ocean! Correct, well done. I should have gotten that right the first time, not enough coffee this morning...
  15. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    #13-a chocolate bar-Mars Bar, Snickers? #9-*smacks forehead* Indian Ocean! #19-okay. let's try... javelin? #8...okay, give us a hint...is it something by Shakespeare?
  16. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    The Man Who Fell to Earth-that's it, I bet! Do I get a half credit for the Ziggy Stardust?
  17. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    don't tell me #8 is one of the Bronte books...:rolleyes: #9... umm...Antarctic Ocean? #13....something in a tube, probably. I'll be interested to see the answer. #19... a log? as for the rest, I'm clueless! :D
  18. Miss Shelf

    Elinor Lipman

    I couldn't find any threads discussing this author, so I'm asking if anyone reads her? I'm almost done with The Dearly Departed and it's so entertaining. I'll be starting Isabel's Bed next. I've read all her other works, I think.
  19. Miss Shelf

    I think a Quiz / Games Sub-Forum...

    I agree, it'll be fun to have a sub-forum like that. :)