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Search results

  1. Miss Shelf

    Spoiler Tags: How to do it!

    use [ spoiler] then your text, then [/ spoiler] (eliminate the spaces before the s -hope this is understandable!
  2. Miss Shelf

    A Quick Quiz

    1. Christine was a car. 2. No idea. 3. school? 4. a headache? 5. hydrogen? 6. Sirius? 7. not Bing Crosby? 8. Hamlet? or Pride & Prejudice? 9. Pacific 10. It was when he was Ziggy Stardust, can't remember the name of the film, though-it was weird is all I remember...
  3. Miss Shelf

    Are you offended - really????

    Maybe the reason TBF is so popular is the moderators know the difference between "lively discussion and debate" and discussions/debates that are about to turn nasty-some may see such censoring as premature, but I appreciate a forum where people aren't at each others' throats all the time. And...
  4. Miss Shelf

    Politics And Religion

    If politics and religion were allowed to be discussed here, I'd prefer it to be in a new section created just for that, rather in General Chat. In a couple of other boards I belong to, such hot-button sections require special entry in order to post, granted by the mods. In other boards, no...
  5. Miss Shelf

    You've just gotta see it...

    I know-I don't think I want to eat in a place that gives the impression it's run by illiterates-how do you know they know how to cook food that won't give you food poisoning? Maybe it's a ploy to ensnare people who take the time to stop in and point out the mistake? (not that I would do...
  6. Miss Shelf

    You've just gotta see it...

    No photos but recently I've driven past a couple of restaurants that had on their signs: 1) Try our Cheesey Burgers" and 2) "Try our new fisch sandwich!". How can anyone misspell fish??
  7. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    I think what got Stewart suspended was a violation of unwritten rules. He upset a thread that other people enjoyed, and while that isn't in the formal rules, it's an unwritten one. If you don't like a thread, ignore it. I'm so tired of this rehashing of the Darren Conspiracy thing. As far as...
  8. Miss Shelf

    "The Old Ace in the Hole"-Proulx;Reading Group Questions

    I look forward to any discussion here. Perhaps you should PM a moderator to see if reposting is allowed.
  9. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    I have to question your motives, Toady. Are you trolling for new members for your forum? I don't think it's sporting to come over here and criticize how things are run. I don't see you creating new threads for discussion, just pointing out various flaws of the forum in this particular thread...
  10. Miss Shelf

    "The Old Ace in the Hole"-Proulx;Reading Group Questions

    Thanks, but my time is limited and I'd rather have a discussion here at TBF than go elsewhere to discuss something.
  11. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    let me have my illusions, I don't have much else! :p
  12. Miss Shelf

    teenage author?

    sorry, there isn't enough info to go on for a search. Can you remember anything else about it?
  13. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    Do we really want TBF to be a tightly controlled forum? I know I don't. I like the freedom here, thanks.
  14. Miss Shelf

    "The Old Ace in the Hole"-Proulx;Reading Group Questions

    I read "That Old Ace in the Hole" last year and loved it, but I couldn't find anyone here who wanted to talk about it.
  15. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    I won't bring up my treatment on Palimpsest when I was there for a short time, but I think Palimp is not for everyone, particularly if you like using smilies. :D
  16. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    Hmm. Is Palimp so dull lately you've come here for sustenance? ;)
  17. Miss Shelf

    Alternative Hobbies

    A couple of months ago I decided to learn macrame. I discovered my hand-eye coordination isn't what it used to be, which wasn't anything to brag about, plus I had no earthly idea what to do with it if I ever mastered it-wall hangings and plant hangers aren't my kind of decor. :D
  18. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    But it would seem forced! it's more fun when people come up with something off the cuff, rather than the mods running through a List of Interesting Topics to Jump-Start Discussions.
  19. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    I have to disagree with you, Toady. If starting new threads were up to the mods I think that would hamper everyone here, they'd be afraid to disagree. I don't see anything wrong with letting the forum stagnate a bit, since it always seems to perk back up sooner or later.
  20. Miss Shelf

    TBF: Moderation Issues

    nice to see ya around, seanwrightfan! Thanks for the compliments, I don't really think of myself as "nice"! :o I didn't think the locked thread was an invitation to a free-for-all, but I can see where it might make the mods nervous. Yeah, there's a different perspective looking back on...