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Search results

  1. DATo

    Recently Finished

    Pigeon English, by Stephen Kelman This was one of the most engaging novels I have read in the last ten years. It is told in first person narrative by Harrison Okupu, an eleven year old immigrant to England from Ghana, who lives in the public housing tenements of London. Though living amid the...
  2. DATo

    Nobody reads?

    I agree with everything K.S. Crooks has said, especially the part about "distractions". When one actually takes the time to consider: at the turn of the last century there were of course no computers, televisions, music players - the first transmission of music was in 1904 and the first public...
  3. DATo

    A Quiz With A Twist - What Book Is This ?

    See if you can guess the book I am describing. Please take the time to read all ten points before going to the bottom of the post for the answer. 1) A young boy (the main character, whose name is in the title of the book) is endowed with special gifts and has a very special and important...
  4. DATo

    The Secret Recipe

    Many thanks K.S. !
  5. DATo

    The Secret Recipe

    The Secret Recipe by DATo Bertie Haskins stomped across the kitchen floor to bring her husband a second cup of morning coffee. "I knows that partic’lar sound a’them boots of yourn Ma. What’s got ya so riled up?" "I tell ya Pa, that Eleanor Pruit is in cahoots with them judges. I just knows...
  6. DATo

    Scary books

    Greetings trappa ! I don't think The Haunting Of Hill House is considered the scariest horror story out there ... it is considered by critics to be the best haunted house story. Are you a fan of horror stories? I wrote a short story you might like. I've gotten pretty good reviews on it so far...
  7. DATo

    What do you do when you have multiple ideas simultaneously?

    In one of my better efforts at short story writing I sort of wound up with a slightly clunky climax as a result of trying to combine two ideas rather than sacrificing one ... BUT I LIKED THEM BOTH DAMMIT !!! *LOL* I got pretty good peer reviews from other posters but this still bugs me like an...
  8. DATo

    Good vs Bad writing

    I think for most of us there are two primary ingredients to a good story - the premise, and the manner in which it is delivered. I don't think most men are drawn to the plot of Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but there are few men with any literary acumen who would deny that Austen's prose is...
  9. DATo

    Do you ever reread your books?

    When I was in high school I worked one summer in the place where they grew all the plants, trees and shrubs which were used to adorn the schools, parks and lawns of buildings associated with local, educational institutions. The place where I worked was perhaps ten acres in size upon which were...
  10. DATo

    Eleanor Catton: The Luminaries

    I am about 30 pages into the 2013 Man-Booker Prize winner, The Luminaries, by Eleanor Catton. This book came to my attention about a year ago recommended by a trusted fellow book lover at another website. Shortly after the award was announced the library system where I live had about 30 copies...
  11. DATo

    Recently Finished

    I can't believe how long it has taken me to finish The Haunting Of Hill House. It wasn't bad, and I know it is held in very high esteem by the critics, but it just didn't quite do it for me. I plan on giving this another chance someday however because it did have its moments. I freely admit that...
  12. DATo

    John le Carré: The Spy Who Came in From the Cold

    Also a big fan of Le Carre - my favorite, of course, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. If anyone is interested, and has not already seen it, I would heartily recommend a movie written in much the same vein called The Good Shepherd (2006). I don't think you will be disappointed.
  13. DATo

    Watching movies vs Reading Books

    I think one of the reasons we prefer books to movies is because the movie cannot contain everything that is in the book. Of course there is a very practical reason for this. Each minute of screen time costs the movie makers an enormous amount of money; also, to get everything into a movie that...
  14. DATo


    Acceptance Would there be enough time to get the dayroom his wife had always wanted built by summer’s end? He counted on his fingers: June, July, August yes, it could certainly be built before her birthday in September. I like Doctor Barnes, Halbert concluded. He’s a straight shooter but he is...
  15. DATo

    Recently Finished

    Just ordered The Haunting Of Hill House from my local library. Your last pick was so good that I got a feeling I can't go wrong. Yes, I've noted your disclaimer about the lack of frightening or scary element ... this makes me all the more intrigued. I checked it out on Amazon and read the...
  16. DATo

    Hello :-)

    Greetings Michelle. Welcome to the forums !!!
  17. DATo

    Recently Finished

    Just finished Blacklands by Belinda Bauer as recommended by 753C and it is everything he claims it to be. Indeed a gripping novel and I also share 753C's opinion that this is a remarkable effort for a debut novel.
  18. DATo

    Last seen...

    Just finished watching the entire 6 DVD miniseries, The Pacific (2010). This was the companion series to the previous miniseries, A Band Of Brothers. My brother, who had seen a lot of horror in the Korean War, and had been seriously wounded at 'Heartbreak Ridge' once told me, "You can read all...
  19. DATo

    Recently Finished

    I agree. Gone Girl was definitely an "unputdownable". I was hoping for another ending which would include the idea of double jeopardy, if you get my drift .... (don't want to give too much away here for those who haven't read it).
  20. DATo

    What type of book you prefer?

    A friend gave me his first Kindle (he had upgraded) and I find myself using that more and more, but if given the choice I still prefer hardback paper books to ebooks - old habits die hard. I only use the Kindle for '.mobi' files which are free downloads from the Gutenberg's website.