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  1. T

    Buying multiple copies.

    You may also look at the publishers' sites and see if you can order in bulk straight from them and skip the middlemen, some accept orders online.
  2. T

    Star Trek

    This is a very belated post, and I'm certainly not going to re-write a review I wrote for everyone I know, since they were all going to say, "Well, what did the Trekkie think?" I have to say it left me with mixed feelings. It payed great homage to the classics, it was fresh, looked amazing...
  3. T

    How Star Wars, Star Trek, The Matrix, and Harry Potter are Actually the Same Movie

    I have to say, I found that... a little lame. I could go on about why I disagree with the content, but that's not the point, it was meant to be funny! I think. But... I don't really get it. Maybe my taking it too seriously is getting in the way.
  4. T

    New paperback book size?

    Are they trade paperbacks? Those are similar, I haven't seen re-sized MMPs. The main difference with those, is of course higher paper, binding and printing qualities. I refuse to buy MMPs, and I'll buy hardcover over trade paperbacks if at all possible. Even after one reading, MMPS start...
  5. T

    My Trick for When the Novel I am Reading Gets Boring

    For me personally, if I interrupt a novel, I'll never get back into it. And that builds the "Partly read shelf o' shame" others have mentioned, haha.
  6. T

    The only reason I look forward to fall/winter...

    I never noticed before, but I do tend enjoy reading in the colder months more. Especially rain, I love those days for reading. How odd, since I'm not an outdoors person in the first place.
  7. T

    Do you play a musical instrument?

    I actually do play the Ocarina, it is a real instrument. And while it is my lifelong dream of playing the pipe organ, it is doubtful that will ever come to pass.
  8. T

    Current Non-Fiction reads

    Oracle Bones by Peter Hessler. A very interesting narrative about modern Chinese lifestyles and ways of thinking.
  9. T

    A Bestseller You Hated

    The Twilight series. The dead horse has now been beaten Hell House By Richard Matheson. The only thing horrifying was that it was supposed to be good. Anything by Clive Cussler. How do people read those...? The Da Vinci Code Another abused, deceased equine.
  10. T

    Anything Crime Related

    It's not exactly what you're looking for, but there is a book called Stiff that is quite good regarding cadavers. Here's the topics it covers: * Practicing cosmetic surgery on cadaver heads * Body snatching and the early years of human dissection * The nature of decomposition...
  11. T

    Dan Brown

    Wow... This is a fantastic article. I particularly like #14 and #9. I must put those down for my next argument against the "Overwhelming scientific research Brown has compiled to throw down the Church." Can't tell you how often I hear variations on that. It's beating a dead horse to say I don't...
  12. T

    Kim Stanley Robinson slams Booker ‘ignorance’

    I think he may be right, I do think both science fiction and fantasy genre novels tend to be snubbed by higher in the literature field. I think this results from a lot of mediocre books being shoved onto shelves in those genres that drowns the good ones. But I confess, I have read far fewer...
  13. T

    Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol

    I have heard tell that Dickens' other Christmas works are superior (to some opinions of course) to A Christmas Carol but for whatever reason we only hear of the latter. Anyone read the others who can comment? I must get around to those books...
  14. T

    Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    I read it, and I liked it a lot, even if you know the story it has a lot to offer. My only complaint was it's rather short by comparison with most works, and I honestly prefer longer stories. It's one of those books you must read though!
  15. T

    Ted Dekker: Green

    I'm a huge fan of Ted Dekker, and I assure you I am writhing in misery because I have no money and can't buy the book just yet. I'm anticipating another work of pure genius, though!
  16. T

    David Guterson: Our Lady Of The Forest

    I too have only read Snow Falling on Cedars but I really loved it. I was amazed it hadn't heard of it before, I thought it was very well written. I'm sure I'll look up Guterson again as a result.
  17. T

    Dan Brown: The Lost Symbol

    Unfortunately, I didn't really like The Da Vinci Code. I understand a lot of people loved it, but most of the plot elements felt repetitive and absurd. So I doubt I'll read it, unless it too generates so much controversy that I have to read it to engage in the subsequent debates.
  18. T

    Hello from Colorado!

    Hey, just saying hi, I've been an avid reader and amateur writer, and since graduating school I miss talking about books and such things in good old English class. So here I am!