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Search results

  1. L

    Alan Axelrod: The Real History of...

    That's a hard question... That's a really hard question for me to answer b/c I grew up in a uber-Cold War family (my grandfather worked on the Manhattan project + a lot of other things and my father also worked in nukes). In my family WWIII and nuclear holocaust were dinner conversations when I...
  2. L

    Alan Axelrod: The Real History of...

    The Real History of the Cold War and The Real History of the American Revolution are both highly informative (yet concise) reviews of their respective subjects that are peppered with loads images that really add meat to the text. Both books are written by Alan Axelrod, who is the author of...
  3. L

    Might want to think twice before getting that tattoo

    It's good that they require all of that in your state, but it wouldn't have mattered in these cases b/c the problem was that the bottles were contaminated straight from the factories (several different producers). The leading hypothesis is that the diluents used to dilute the black ink to make...
  4. L


    I like it. Here are a few minor edits, for what they're worth (which may not be much--I write prose). To tell my life story, like a flooded quarry; full of stones, full of gold, few moments new, few moments old. To outline it in words, let them fly free like...
  5. L

    Might want to think twice before getting that tattoo

    As reported in both a study and an editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine this week, there was a recent outbreak of nontuberculosis mycobacteria in contaminated tattoo ink. The specific case series was in Rochester, NY, but there have been reports of several different outbreaks...
  6. L

    Free speech even for spammers?

    Dancing Giraffes Dancing giraffes would have avoided this political debate. Remember, always be PC, always be PC...
  7. L

    Creating webpages and online books (for a novice))

    Book Rec The excellent book, How to Market a Book (no conflict of interests), will walk you through how to set up your own webpage, in addition to teaching you a lot of other things about self-publishing.
  8. L

    Free speech even for spammers?

    Excellent! My first dancing frog!!! Although, I must say that I would have preferred a giraffe...
  9. L

    Random Question..Keep posting

    Either! I'm Italian and gluten-intolerant; I'd give my left --- to have either! Occlith, I didn't find you with my search b/c I was only looking in dictionaries--I assumed that it was a real word b/c we use "-lith" in medicine at the end of various words (to mean "stone").
  10. L

    the perfect actor for James Bond!

    Might I humbly suggest... Might I humbly suggest myself as the next James Bond (joking guys, joking!). btw, I think that Sean Connery was the best.
  11. L

    Random Question..Keep posting

    What does "Occlith" mean? What does "Occlith" mean (googled it without much success)?
  12. L

    Free speech even for spammers?

    Great Thread I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, but I just wanted to state that the discussion in this thread is one of the better ones that I have ever seen. I really enjoyed reading it. Dr. Leonardo Noto
  13. L

    Intrusive Memory 05-09 Sept. Giveaway

    Thanks Thanks, I wasn't complaining, just wanted the correct book to be reflected in the title. I wasn't aware that that was actually a rule--now I know.
  14. L

    Intrusive Memory 05-09 Sept. Giveaway

    Great Great, I hope you enjoy it! Don't worry, I won't bug you b/c I didn't even know that you were an Indie Reviewer (I just know you as a B&R member). With that said, I would love for you (and everyone else) who reads it to leave a review if you have the time! Dr. Leonardo Noto...
  15. L

    Im writing a book (Need some support)

    A few pointers Yeah, it needs work, but that doesn't mean that you suck--what it does mean is that you need to do some work to get to where you want to be. The following are some good self-improvement writing resources that I have personally found useful (for what it's worth): How to Write...
  16. L

    Intrusive Memory 05-09 Sept. Giveaway

    This one's over, sorry. But you can get Intrusive Memory on Amazon free-of-charge until Sunday (I took both The Life of a Colonial Fugitive and The Cannabinoid Hypothesis off of Smashwords--both are available solely on Amazon now). Dr. Leonardo Noto leonardonoto.com | Physician...
  17. L

    Intrusive Memory 05-09 Sept. Giveaway

    Hi B&R, This is going to be my last giveaway for awhile, so get it while the getting is good! My memoir, Intrusive Memory, is free until Sunday 09 Sept 2012 at the link below (Amazon). My memoir is about overcoming sadistic child abuse that resulted in a severe case of PTSD to achieve my goal...
  18. L

    Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution

    Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution, by Pauline Maier (a Professor of American History at MIT). A well-written book that covers the public debate throughout the American States as the Federalists and Anti-Federalists spar over the newly proposed Constitution. The book is both highly...
  19. L

    Last seen...

    Fat Man and Little Boy :stars5: Fat Man and Little Boy is a great movie with Paul Newman and John Cussack that is about The Manhattan Project that designed and built the first atomic bomb. The name of the film is based on the names of the first two bombs but is also a play on the conflict b/t...