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    A Bestseller You Hated

    God of Small things by Arundhati Roy.
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    Best place to read

    I usually read on my bed. However, if a book catches my fancy, i can read anywhere and everywhere. Many a times, my family had to eat over or under cooked food, because I was engrossed with the climax of my book while cooking:innocent:
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    When to give up on a book

    If I get bored with a book, I flip over some pages and see if there is anything in coming chapters, that would catch my fancy. If the plot improves, I read back from where I stopped earlier. Otherwise, I quit. Though i am a big fan of Anita Desai , I could not withstand her novel 'Zig Zag Way'...
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    Young people read more books

    Very well said, Beer Good. Indeed, it is human nature to glorify their own times. As for reading habits, I think, it depends more on a person's nature than a general tendency of a particular generation. I spent three days to read 'Jane Eyre' while my brother simply watched a BBC...