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  1. DavidRM

    New guy here!

    Heya! David here, also from Tulsa. =) Welcome to BAR! -David
  2. DavidRM

    New Here

    Heya! Welcome to BAR. =) -David
  3. DavidRM

    God Will Provide Unlimited Natural Resources....

    Actually...he probably believes exactly what he said (or something at least similar). I've run into that very fervant belief more than once among my fundie relatives and in-laws. -David
  4. DavidRM

    God Will Provide Unlimited Natural Resources....

    Oh, good, I was worried you were quoting a Congressman from *Oklahoma*, where I live (sometimes in embarassment). <breathes easier> -David
  5. DavidRM

    Hi from UK

    Hi from the USA (kinda in the middle, landlocked)! -David
  6. DavidRM

    New Member Alert. :)

    Welcome! I'm also not a fan of being cold. I like to read on my screened in back porch in the spring and summer (when the sun isn't too overbearing). -David
  7. DavidRM

    I am a newcomer here!

    Welcome! -David
  8. DavidRM


    Welcome to BAR! -David
  9. DavidRM

    Introducing myself

    Welcome! Your life sounds more interesting than mine. =) -David
  10. DavidRM

    Forum Newbie

    Heya! Welcome! =) -David
  11. DavidRM

    new writer

    Welcome! -David
  12. DavidRM


    Heya! Welcome. =) -David
  13. DavidRM

    Excerpt DEMON CANDY by David Michael - "Summer Breeze"

    His full name is Gykamjarott. Imagine reading *that* over and over... =) Thank you for the comment! -David
  14. DavidRM

    Excerpt DEMON CANDY by David Michael - "Summer Breeze"

    Yeah. You're right. People never say "furtherest thing from my mind" in *real* conversation. I should hang my head in shame. ;-) Thank you for the feedback! -David
  15. DavidRM

    Excerpt DEMON CANDY by David Michael - "Summer Breeze"

    Summer Breeze Jike leaned down to grab the next damned in the queue, but paused, looking over the shaven heads of the damned at the queue itself. The queue stretched like an immense snake of impending torment and misery into infinity. Jike sighed and shook his head. He had been at work--it...
  16. DavidRM

    Another SF reader

    Welcome! -David
  17. DavidRM

    Ever bought a book because of a bad review?

    The way I find most books I read is pretty random. Usually its a recommendation from a friend, or (for nonfiction) a book mentioned in an article I found interesting. Sometimes, I just grab books off the shelf at the library and take them home to find out what I got. So...I almost never see...
  18. DavidRM

    New to this forum

    Heya. I've written a couple nonfiction books too. The best part? You don't have to come up with clever character names... Welcome! =) -David
  19. DavidRM


    I joined a few months ago. So, yeah, new. Just not *that* new. Welcome. =) -David
  20. DavidRM

    Juno Reactor

    I love that one. Also "Pistolero" (which I think was used in a Tarantino movie). -David