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  1. DavidRM

    What do you hate most about writing?

    Sometimes the words come fast. Sometimest they come slow. Either way, I'm good...unless I'm on a deadline. Then I could get a bit stressed... I think sometimes I'd rather "have written" a book than "be writing" a book, but that's just me being lazy. Overall, there's nothing I dislike about...
  2. DavidRM

    Stephen King: Cell

    I read this a couple months ago. I didn't feel like I wasted my time. I finished the book and mostly enjoyed it. But, yeah, it felt like he was pulling a lot of punches. The book had no real edge to it. I found the zombies interesting at first, but they got more boring than interesting over...
  3. DavidRM

    Ayn Rand: The Fountainhead

    That is true. =) I read The Fountainhead a couple times in my 20's and early 30's. I even read Atlas Shrugged a couple times in the same period. Philosophically, I'm changed quite a bit from the first time I read the books. And my reading tastes have changed too. When I tried to read Atlas...
  4. DavidRM

    Confessions of a Used-Book Salesman

    I enjoyed reading that. I hope the guy realized that by "going public" like that he's made it harder for him to make a living. This sort of business, which like Will mentioned has a very low cost of entry, suffers when there is too much competition. On the other hand, if he's already...
  5. DavidRM

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Thank you for the greets, everyone. =) -David
  6. DavidRM

    How do you decide your next book?

    Deciding my next book is usually pretty random. If I read about a book that sounds interesting, I'll request it from the library. Or if a friend suggests something. Sometimes, after reading a book I like, I'll request other books by the author from the library. I walk a pretty random walk...
  7. DavidRM

    Anyone Else Practice "Random Reading"?

    Over the past few years, how I pick (or don't pick) what to read has evolved considerably. Before this, I used to spend too long in bookstores and library aisles trying to make sure that some genre book would be something I'd like. And I'd be wrong just about as often as I was right. Seemed like...
  8. DavidRM

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Heya. :) I'm an independent software developer, author of a couple books on game development and a horror novel, and an amateur photographer. I'm an avid reader and usually rack up about 60-70 books a year across a slough of genres, including nonfiction. I just learned about this forum...