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Search results

  1. SFG75

    Red Note social media site

    Did you join the Tik Tok migration to Red Note? I’m seeing quite a few Americans there who don’t want to have anything to do with Zuckerberg.
  2. SFG75

    The Strand's books quiz-could you work there?

    It's quite a doozy. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/07/14/nyregion/strand-quiz.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0
  3. SFG75

    Differentiating hyperlinks

    Is there a way that hyperlinks could be a different color or stand out in some way? When you create one, it looks like regular text and no one knows is unless their cursor moves over it by pure chance. Thanks, SFG
  4. SFG75

    David Brooks The Road to Character

    The Road to Character (click to see Amazon hyperlink) by David Brooks is one that folks for the conserving of social values will like, will those who can't stand conservative thought, will dismiss as a protest against the prevailing wind of progress. The thesis that Brooks puts forward is that...
  5. SFG75

    Book vending machines

    A novel idea! book vending machines
  6. SFG75

    Commentary on Leaves of Grass

    From a blog, and not a bad one at that. Scripture for a Dead God. "I would argue that Leaves of Grass is the first great work of scripture to be penned since modernity killed God." Well then.......
  7. SFG75

    Best novels of the 21st century......so far ;)

    The Guardian has an interesting article of the best novels so far. I love the inclusion of Diaz and The Corrections. I'm surprised that The Road was considered a "runner up" though I bet it moves up the rankings in the future. No list can be without its flaws right...
  8. SFG75

    Lauren DeStefano's The Chemical Garden trilogy

    I've been noticing these books a lot in various libraries and under arms. On a whim, I went ahead and ordered the series. You can't judge a book by its cover, but you sure can purchase one that way. :) Any fans, critics, or people who dig dystopian novels about science gone awry?:devillook...
  9. SFG75

    World Cup 2014

    My country is out, who should I adopt to root for? :devillook
  10. SFG75

    What did you read in June 2014?

    My list for the month. Breakfast: A History; Heather Anderson Destiny of the Republic; Candice Millard Krakatoa; Simon Winchester
  11. SFG75

    E-reader death watch

    A great article from Slate on the speculated demise of the e-reader. http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2014/06/27/death_of_e_readers_what_does_that_mean_for_book_sales.html The killer of the e-reader is alleged to be the smartphone as well as the all purpose tablet. Is there a market JUST...
  12. SFG75

    Anchorman 2

    I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more.
  13. SFG75

    SFG's Coffeehouse....a curmudgeonly caffeinated library & cantankerous free for all

    New religion vs. New Atheism. . . . . . .new atheism on the ropes?
  14. SFG75

    House of Cards

    Just discovered season 2 of the American series. I know have to go back and see the U.K. version, as well as read the book. I love politics, so this will definitely be a good t.v. interest for me. Any other fans?
  15. SFG75

    George Packer: Is amazon bad for books?

    A story that will have Sparkchaser cursing, throwing newspapers, gesticulating widely, in red-faced, apoplectic, purple veined rage.
  16. SFG75

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Just curious......
  17. SFG75

    Where e-readers go when they die

    Well, my first generation kindle gave up the ghost and died. :( You know the screensaver thingie? I hit the slider and half of it remained, while the text that I was reading appeared on other parts of the screen. I've unplugged it, left it off a week, recharged it after letting it run down...
  18. SFG75

    National Novel Writing Month

    For those who don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month. There is a pledge whereby high school student pledge to write 30,000 words a month. Adults should be able to reach 50,000 according to the site. http://nanowrimo.org/ On a whim, I joined my literature teacher and her...
  19. SFG75

    Charles Dickens; American Notes

    Just started this on a whim and I'm glad that I did. I love the writing on this time period in America. I was pleasantly surprised to see the copious writing on the state of prisons and treatment of the mentally ill. This doesn't come close to DeTocqueville's observations, but it's the best...
  20. SFG75

    Preachers of L.A.

    Must resist.........argggggheerrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhH!!! http://preachers-of-la.oxygen.com/#fbid=o4taKHQaHsn