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  1. Blaine Beveridge

    A Bit of Candy in Hard Times, written by Blaine Beveridge

    Hello there, I have a book suggestion for everyone: A Bit of Candy in Hard Times, a new novel written by Blaine Beveridge, set for release in June 2017 and available for pre-order now! Synopsis: Set in the late 1920s, at the height of prohibition, this is the story of Emmett Dougal, fisherman...
  2. Blaine Beveridge

    My new novel "A Bit of Candy in Hard Times" is set for release in June 2017 and is available at...

    My new novel "A Bit of Candy in Hard Times" is set for release in June 2017 and is available at http://beveridgebooks.com for pre-order now!