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************** Caution, thread is 18+**********************

I talk a lot about my father, online using text, as well as to myself.
I guess it's just another way of coping with the loss. In a sad way,
I realize just how much he meant to me than at any point when he was alive.

Whether he was alive or now that he's long gone, he's the only one.
I don't care to have much of anything. Most of my motivation for even living has since eroded two fold, meaning for two reasons. One, his having died obviously and how life treated him like a piece of shit.

So what is it that I see in this world of people, places and things?
More than what Osama Bin Laden sees. His terrorist networks want to control people's minds under one religion; I simply want to destroy it all.
Nothing is likely going to change my mind even if you practically hand it to me, ten fold. That's just the way it is.

I can punch you in the face or hit you with a sledgehammer, go ahead and shout, scream or wail away in pain or angst. It’s falling on deaf ears, very deaf.

The sands of time drain one pebble at a time.
...said the old twerp who lived in a shoe.

No I'm talking to your mother as she slowly removes her lips from my well cooked sausage.