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A New Oldie


New Member

I've taken to writing short stories in my retirement and have recently had an anthology of Scottish and English tales published. It's quite a small collection, but I learned the craft by interacting with critique groups on both sides of the pond so the stories appear to have international appeal. :)

Should you like to sample some for free, have a look at A Drifter's Legacy
and if you would be kind enough to sign my guestbook - that would make my day.

Have a really enjoyable festive season and I look forward to taking part in the forum in the new year.

Welcome to the boards, orraloon. You'll find us a friendly bunch of booklovers!

I'll be sure to read that sample you gave. What genres do you like to write/read, and what are you reading just now?

Cheers, Martin :D

What genres do you like to write/read, and what are you reading just now?

Nice to meet you Martin (I like your signature quote btw - so true!). I've been mainly writing stories loosely based on real events and characters I've known, some sad some, hopefully, funny. They're trawled from a pretty aimless journey through life :(

An American friend sent me a book by his favourite writer Mark Twain and I've been reading and enjoying that of late. I have to say though that I've hardly had an original plot idea in my head since my anthology was published, having found that (with POD publishing anyway) the author has to spend most of his/her waking hours bringing the publication to the attention of the public. My New Year's resolution is to concentrate on writing and reading again to the exclusion of all else - except bowling :)
Where do your own preferences lie?

Off to Kent for Xmas. Hope to converse with you in 2004.
Thanks Phil

I appreciate your welcome and look forward to meeting some interesting people here.

All the best for 2004.
Did you like the Mark Twain?? I just finished Tom Sawyer last wekk, and it was fairly enjoyable, even if it was obvious that it was more for the kiddies!! :)
