Several years ago, I searched in google regarding some issue of writing style (I now forget the details).
What I came upon was a website dedicated to reform in legislation to legalize the use of marijuana.
The interesting thing was that the webmaster had posted a long tutorial on editorial style, the so-called top-down or pyramid style of writing, to educate supporters on how they might more effectivly write representatives and editors.
I have no particular views either for or aganist the issue of marijuana legalization. I should mention that I can no longer drink alcohol or use tobacco (both of which I enjoyed) because of health problems, and I have never used illegal drugs.
But, what fascinated me was that the webmaster realized how essential the power of the written word, properly used, is to effecting any form of change, transformation or reform.
One day, I was passing by a group of noisy junior high students, who were complaining about the nuisance of their writing assignments. I wished that I might make those children realize the power which lies waiting for them in those writing exercises. I mused to myself how powerful the written word can be, especially when one has access to something such as the Internet, which makes it possible, in theory, for our words to circle the earth in a day, like that proverbial "shot heard round the world" (sometimes attributed to the American Revolution, and sometimes to the French Revolution.)
How ironic that it took humanity so many millennia to realize that our world turns, or revolves, and yet our political word “revolution” may now be linked to the idea of a paragraph traveling around the world.
What I came upon was a website dedicated to reform in legislation to legalize the use of marijuana.
The interesting thing was that the webmaster had posted a long tutorial on editorial style, the so-called top-down or pyramid style of writing, to educate supporters on how they might more effectivly write representatives and editors.
I have no particular views either for or aganist the issue of marijuana legalization. I should mention that I can no longer drink alcohol or use tobacco (both of which I enjoyed) because of health problems, and I have never used illegal drugs.
But, what fascinated me was that the webmaster realized how essential the power of the written word, properly used, is to effecting any form of change, transformation or reform.
One day, I was passing by a group of noisy junior high students, who were complaining about the nuisance of their writing assignments. I wished that I might make those children realize the power which lies waiting for them in those writing exercises. I mused to myself how powerful the written word can be, especially when one has access to something such as the Internet, which makes it possible, in theory, for our words to circle the earth in a day, like that proverbial "shot heard round the world" (sometimes attributed to the American Revolution, and sometimes to the French Revolution.)
How ironic that it took humanity so many millennia to realize that our world turns, or revolves, and yet our political word “revolution” may now be linked to the idea of a paragraph traveling around the world.