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Telling stories is an ancient art that is still alive in all cultures of our planet. Each book aims to contribute, as a grain of sand, to make known the infinite variety of popular culture of oral tradition, the importance of words and stories that reflect the way of thinking and feeling of the people.
This compilation aims to contribute to knowledge of these cultures and the promotion of tolerance among those who read or hear and, in turn, help them to discover the similarities and differences between all people who share the earth.
The giant Finn and McConigle (Bryant Keogh, Ireland)
The goat of Mr. Seguin (Nicole Boivert, France)
Pomperipossa and his big nose (Lena Mansson, Sweden)
Benedict Montgarran or the batlle of the Bulge (Olivier Hecquet, Belgium)
The little hero of Haarlem (Antoine Tromp, Netherlands)
*Stefan, I Am from Belgrade
( Tamara Ivanic, Serbia)
The stand of the sea urchin (Trísic Jovan, Serbia)
The little brother and little sister (Beatrice Nyffenegger, Switzerland)
The magical forest (Seslija Alexandra, Serbia-Croatia)
The gold fish (Julie Leykina, Russia)
The four dragons (Han-wei Liu, China)
Yosaku and Magic Bird (Tsuyoki Yama, Japan)
The soldier, cheese and mice (Ahmad Hassan Dezful, Iran)
Ali Baba (Ghoulabzouri Saïd, Morocco)
Lies of spider (Pinot Louis, Ivory Coast)
Mawu and their children (Agnes Agboton, Dahomey-Benin)
The legend of Isis and Osiris (Adel Ebeid, Egypt)
The soul of forest ( HEAST, Helen)
The Indian that did not meet his word (Eric Phillips, USA)
Stories about Africa
Mama Panya's Pancakes, CHAMBERLIN, Mary i Rich.
Tibili: The Little Boy Who Didn't Want to Go to School, ÉONARD, Marie.
The liltte Masai, GEIS, Patricia.
The empty school, BEN JELLOU, Tahar.
Stories about Asia & Oceania
The Magic Horse of Han Gan, Chen, Jiang Hong.
Elephant Dance: A Journey to India, HEINE, Theresa.
My Name Is Yoon, RECORVITS, Hele.
The Elephant's Pillow, ROOME, Diana Reynolds.
Little Maori, GEIS Patricia
(Subliminal message)
This compilation aims to contribute to knowledge of these cultures and the promotion of tolerance among those who read or hear and, in turn, help them to discover the similarities and differences between all people who share the earth.
The giant Finn and McConigle (Bryant Keogh, Ireland)
The goat of Mr. Seguin (Nicole Boivert, France)
Pomperipossa and his big nose (Lena Mansson, Sweden)
Benedict Montgarran or the batlle of the Bulge (Olivier Hecquet, Belgium)
The little hero of Haarlem (Antoine Tromp, Netherlands)
*Stefan, I Am from Belgrade
The stand of the sea urchin (Trísic Jovan, Serbia)
The little brother and little sister (Beatrice Nyffenegger, Switzerland)
The magical forest (Seslija Alexandra, Serbia-Croatia)
The gold fish (Julie Leykina, Russia)
The four dragons (Han-wei Liu, China)
Yosaku and Magic Bird (Tsuyoki Yama, Japan)
The soldier, cheese and mice (Ahmad Hassan Dezful, Iran)
Ali Baba (Ghoulabzouri Saïd, Morocco)
Lies of spider (Pinot Louis, Ivory Coast)
Mawu and their children (Agnes Agboton, Dahomey-Benin)
The legend of Isis and Osiris (Adel Ebeid, Egypt)
The soul of forest ( HEAST, Helen)
The Indian that did not meet his word (Eric Phillips, USA)
Stories about Africa
Mama Panya's Pancakes, CHAMBERLIN, Mary i Rich.
Tibili: The Little Boy Who Didn't Want to Go to School, ÉONARD, Marie.
The liltte Masai, GEIS, Patricia.
The empty school, BEN JELLOU, Tahar.
Stories about Asia & Oceania
The Magic Horse of Han Gan, Chen, Jiang Hong.
Elephant Dance: A Journey to India, HEINE, Theresa.
My Name Is Yoon, RECORVITS, Hele.
The Elephant's Pillow, ROOME, Diana Reynolds.
Little Maori, GEIS Patricia