I just had an animated debate with my girlfriend, concerning the advertising (or better lack thereof) for books in Germany.
We just got back from our annual London-Trip (of course each brought back a mighty pile of books) and I really liked the many book-advertisements in the tube. Made me want to go and check out the books. Found them, ended up not buying them but they are on my list to watch for, so it worked.
Basically I think governments or cultural institutions complaining that "nobody reads anymore" and "the children get dumber and more illiterate by the year" should realize that the publishers in turn would be a lot better off advertising their products than just hoping that somebody might discover their title by chance.
Why is it (here) that a lot of (relatively cheap) advertising poster-space is dedicated to movies while not one publisher puts out an advertisement for one or more promising new titles...?!
How am I supposed to know a new book by [fill in any author] is to be out if I don't go searching on the net myself? As an avid readers there are too many authors on which I'd have to check constantly...
What's my gripe? Probably just that there's no book advertisements whatsoever in Germany. Thanks for your patience
We just got back from our annual London-Trip (of course each brought back a mighty pile of books) and I really liked the many book-advertisements in the tube. Made me want to go and check out the books. Found them, ended up not buying them but they are on my list to watch for, so it worked.
Basically I think governments or cultural institutions complaining that "nobody reads anymore" and "the children get dumber and more illiterate by the year" should realize that the publishers in turn would be a lot better off advertising their products than just hoping that somebody might discover their title by chance.
Why is it (here) that a lot of (relatively cheap) advertising poster-space is dedicated to movies while not one publisher puts out an advertisement for one or more promising new titles...?!
How am I supposed to know a new book by [fill in any author] is to be out if I don't go searching on the net myself? As an avid readers there are too many authors on which I'd have to check constantly...
What's my gripe? Probably just that there's no book advertisements whatsoever in Germany. Thanks for your patience