Crimes such as theft, vandalism, that sort of thing. I can easily forgive and forget - and take that from someone who's had several things stolen once in a while. Take it also from someone who has shoplifted more than was smart. I never got caught - I *was* smart
Ahem yeah, it has long since been proven that prison sentences does not make people better people, and more likely to behave. The sentences mainly work to keep people off the streets who are a danger to others and to frighten others out of committing crimes in the first place. Once you've been to prison you have it hanging over your head for a long time, and when you get out it won't be a clean slate and starting over for you, even if you *did* learn your lesson. There will be certain places where you can't get jobs, if a competitor for a job ties with you, the old sentence will make sure you don't get said job.
So unless we intend to lock people up for life or actually start executing people for painting graffiti on a wall here or there we need other solutions.
Getting in there with the rough guys won't teach anyone to behave.
Better solution, in my opinion would be to find out WHY these people commit crimes, and then strike at the root of the problem(s), not just treat the symptoms. If anyone can feel resentment towards some kids being given books to avoid them going from petty theft and vandalism to drug-dealing and murder I see a problem with priorities, to be honest, not to mention a horrible disregard for human lives. No one's ever gonna incur the death penalty for petty theft, but if you'd rather turn the criminal into a murderer thereby wasting both the murder-victim's and the could-have-been-helped-criminal's lives, then by all means...
I definitely won't go all sour-faced over someone who can be helped by it being given a book, if I did I should through principle also go sour-faced over Katrina's victims being given books to keep them occupied so they won't turn to ... what have you.... vandalism for instance. We can never have too many books going around out there - and I really can't see it as a problem that some people get them for free. That's just being petty.