Hi everybody!
My name's Ruya and I'm writing from Italy. Reading is my greatest passion and I've got several favourite authors: Dostoevskj, Borges, Calvino, Eco, Orwell, Pamuk, Saramago...
I found this website by chance, and it is so very interesting!
Discussing books is a great pleasure for me and I hope to find many persons fond of good literature.
Tanti baci (it means many kisses in italian)
have a good time!
My name's Ruya and I'm writing from Italy. Reading is my greatest passion and I've got several favourite authors: Dostoevskj, Borges, Calvino, Eco, Orwell, Pamuk, Saramago...
I found this website by chance, and it is so very interesting!
Discussing books is a great pleasure for me and I hope to find many persons fond of good literature.
Tanti baci (it means many kisses in italian)
have a good time!