The Visual Record
About: The Visual Record started in May of 2002 and now features over a thousand pictures. I tweak constantly and add frequently. Near daily updates available on the blog, Out of Focus. There's a mailing list, if you want to be notified of new galleries.
Where to start? Check out my favorites.
Cameras used: Canon 10D and Lomo LC-A.
Go and look! Now... tell me that web site is not completely wonderful
Great huh?!
I will be surfing this all day tomrrow! The internet is a fantastic thing! That site is great because it's full of such beautiful photographs and it shows me so many places from all around the world. Great stuff.

About: The Visual Record started in May of 2002 and now features over a thousand pictures. I tweak constantly and add frequently. Near daily updates available on the blog, Out of Focus. There's a mailing list, if you want to be notified of new galleries.
Where to start? Check out my favorites.
Cameras used: Canon 10D and Lomo LC-A.
Go and look! Now... tell me that web site is not completely wonderful
I will be surfing this all day tomrrow! The internet is a fantastic thing! That site is great because it's full of such beautiful photographs and it shows me so many places from all around the world. Great stuff.