I thaught that you, if anybody, would have read something by her. I mean, she is Belgian, isn't she? But she was born in Kobe, Japan, so some of her books refer to her youth there, too.
It's hard for me to describe her books because I can't find the right words.
In a way they are relly terrible, the topics she writes about are no things you want to hear about. Serial murderers; an old guy, who keeps a girl imprisoned and such stuff.
But the way she deals with the topics is what makes her books so great to me. It's not like a thriller or a horror book from Stephen King etc, but her books are cleverly put-together stories. 'L'hygiene de l'assassin' for example features five interviews between an author and various journalist.
The dialogues are great and the endings of her books are always full of surprises. And I like her style a lot.