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Dark Passage : iPoem #2


New Member
Daises are weeping and weary, Lola’s sad and dreary and can't you see I don't give a shit? It's all over for you know, couldn't imagine how, and send him a gaping pile of spit. When is it going to rain? Sample my brain, and hence forth this day will come once again.

Weather sends a message to you.

Stop. Look up, look down, look left, and look right.
Hey don't worry about it. Stay calm. Stay clear. Stay informed.
Sex is overrated. Running unabated, sample some toe jam over here.

Socks in my shoes, aluminum tubes and Iranian defectors stink like current amperes.

Hurt me is deep, damp is she please, hate is glee see and parameters sing 'Hello Dolly'. Wine and tea poems saliva is comptroller, and corruption is fast and near.

Say hello, no fellow, college degrees were once smears.
Accusations are overtly strong, I wonder and yawn, why is it necessary to appear here once again?
manuscriptx said:
Yeah, sure, I'll go, while I'm waiting for the Lord to remember me.
Listen, I don't need to be forgiven, or handed a second chance.
I like where I'm staying. Rock bottom isn't so wonderful but Lucifer
said he'd rather be there than a servant in heaven. I'm not looking
to make friends with any of you deadbeats nor am I looking to catch
fire from any of you on a good day where you might throw me a bone
or scrap of meat. " This poem I actually like, " Listen, save it. Save your
fake rambling rose. Your fake hints at moderation. While on the one hand
you dislike a few key words, phrases, passages, complex meanings, you generally
appreciate the work as a whole.

I can see right through it. If you never liked me from the beginning, why
read my material at all? No longer a member, I will have sucessfully spent
a full year or more never having seen anyone else's thread. No matter the topic.
Simple and consistent choices always are my norm. It's too bad you can't say
the same thing, can't you? Always something to criticize, always something to
take a swipe at, jab, or think you can knock me off my kilter.

I'm finished.

To the few members who had the guts to praise me, I say thanks.
End of story.

...I love it! Finally, a man who says what he means and means what he says...and makes a lot of sense when he does it, too.
My sentiments exactly, Val.

Manuscript, sir, may I ask whether or not you perhaps idolize Happy Noodle Boy? I think he'd be rather cross with you for stealing his style.
I appreciate someone who means what they say.

More especially when it's something like this, not too long ago :


10th March 2007, 08:33 PM
Member : SevenWritez
Currently Reading: Anything and Everything Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Dublin, Ohio (born in MI)
Posts: 52

There's no denying he had talent.
I also appreicate,

......comments like this as well.

11th February 2007, 11:55 PM
Member : SevenWritez

Currently Reading: Anything and Everything Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Dublin, Ohio (born in MI)
Posts: 52

I'm not speaking of this post; what he says here is different from what else I've read in the other posts; I'm basing what I say off other examples,

Shows me people are indeed reading what I have to say, understanding what I have to say, and find what I have to say interesting.

No, you're absolutely right, it's not a surprise to me, I knew it all along.
Glad you decided to post again manuscript. All criticism should be taken witha grain of salt. Folks will acknowledge good writing, though they may not grovel at your feet.

Once again, glad you're here.
You're an ass, Bob.

I'm sorry; did you actually make a point there? Are you saying that you did indeed say what you mean--which you failed to do--or are you reiterating the fact that you only appreciate positive criticism?

I actually like some of your writing. It doesn't suck too hard, and it's got a nice flow. But I hate your pompous attitude. I love arrogant, egotistical men. In fact, they're a huge turn on for me. ;) But only if they earn it and acknowledge their mistakes. You refuse to do so.

Also, your age is confused on your profile. Anyone who can't even manage that makes my brain sad.
I knew my gay lover would be back. Yeah, Manuscript, you and me baby, all the way. Hard-core butt sex like the good old days. But no, seriously, glad your back. Everyone else here is boring as ****.

That came out on impulse. Yikes.