Forest Girl
How nice that shameless promotion is allowed here! 
I believe in fairies. In to quote John Lennon, "I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
My novels reflect this. I also believe in adventure, romance, and happily ever after.
I've written a young adult series entitled Dreamer's Forest.
It consisted of four novels, which I've condensed back into three: A Bridge in the Forest (which includes the second book A Promise in the Forest), A Secret in the Forest, and Moonlight in the Forest.
It was published several years ago. Unfortunately my publisher was a smaller independent press and they are no longer around. Sooo, my book went out of print last year. I've recently put the first two back out on Kindle. The last in the series needs a little editing before it goes back out. Maybe another week?
I am still writing and looking for a new publisher. I also occasionally write non-fiction. But not books, my non-fiction is generally magazine and newspaper articles on topics of community and human interest.
With out further ado here are my links:
"A Bridge in the Forest" on Kindle through Amazon:
I believe in fairies. In to quote John Lennon, "I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
My novels reflect this. I also believe in adventure, romance, and happily ever after.
I've written a young adult series entitled Dreamer's Forest.
It consisted of four novels, which I've condensed back into three: A Bridge in the Forest (which includes the second book A Promise in the Forest), A Secret in the Forest, and Moonlight in the Forest.
It was published several years ago. Unfortunately my publisher was a smaller independent press and they are no longer around. Sooo, my book went out of print last year. I've recently put the first two back out on Kindle. The last in the series needs a little editing before it goes back out. Maybe another week?
I am still writing and looking for a new publisher. I also occasionally write non-fiction. But not books, my non-fiction is generally magazine and newspaper articles on topics of community and human interest.
With out further ado here are my links:
"A Bridge in the Forest" on Kindle through Amazon: