Hello all,
all this business of real 'railtrack' life yannow....
I have perhaps been a bit harsch on the 'top-heavy hero faves'. Yet it is not far from my feelings.
Funny things with super heroes is that I barely know how to turn around it... here - in contrast with elsewhere. Each time I pop in the library all the good stuffs are gone, hopefully I get some of them by a more informed spy.
More seriously, if not looking for the stereotype of the superhero and not falling into the Death of Superman and its dreadful art work and to complete my resources, would anyone have a list of heroes that are not always anti/super heroes? Cheers for the list to Tobytook - Try Morgana (1st volume is out in the UK) and if you can get the Incal series, you might like it (Moebius, 5 volumes, basically the Metabarons without the Byzantine blood of autodestruction).
Was screening shelves the other day in Oxford and was pretty empty of not only 'bloody' meaningless (mean it in the real sense) muscular developments in the art works as well.
've been told the Sandman was good, only 'hic' is I am a bit 'very' pricky on 'rough' styleless and worse 'unstabilised' art work.
Also looking for black-and-white art work (plus good story if exists), can be really great by forcing the artist into more reflection on how to have a story in drawn pictures.
And no attack here, sometimes nothing better than a good -strike-after-strike-killing-the-bad-guy comic for relaxation - Do not know whether you had these 'Ken le Survivant' thing - sort of a Madmax in Japanese cartoons where all the good heroes ended up slicing (literarily) their best mates by accidents on TV as a teen? Were great 16.20 fun. There is a time for everything.