New Member
We have done this little game in the past, but sence it is now done, i decided to start the same game over again. Here's the idea. We, all of us, create a story, four words at a time. Yes, you're only allowed to add four words per post to the story, and then the next guy/gal takes over. The fun lies in making it as silly as possible. If it gets anywhere (say, anywhere upwards of 15-20 pages), I'll assemble the entire story. On the other hand, it might bleed to death after 5 posts. In that case I'll deny ever having taken part in an undertaking such as this.
THe Rules are:
1.keep it relatively clean,
2.the same member posting successive posts isn't allowed (unless it is to prevent the thread from dying), and
3.hyphenated words count as one word.
Ill Start:
The flying blue bear
THe Rules are:
1.keep it relatively clean,
2.the same member posting successive posts isn't allowed (unless it is to prevent the thread from dying), and
3.hyphenated words count as one word.
Ill Start:
The flying blue bear