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New Member
Hi all

Have not browsed the forum yet, but looking forward to hopefully have some good discussions.

BTW who put readiing in the interests section of their profile?
I would hope so, unless you just like picture books. .:D
Welcome to the Boards, Carlos. You'll find us a friendly bunch of booklovers.

What are you reading, just now, and what are your favourite genres?

Oh, and I, indeed, entered reading as one of my interests.

Cheers, Martin :D
Reading 'The Honor of the Queen' by David Weber.

Genres: Scifi, fantasy, thrillers, action.

Next book to read will be by Vince Flynn. His fourth novel (title escapes me). Fast paced can't put down action. Read the last one in a day. Delayed flight then the plane and helicopter flight. to work
Hey Carlos, Welcome to the Forums!! :)

I see that you're from Australia, lovely country!! <Dont mention Rugby World Cup ..... Dont mention Rugby World Cup .... such a strain :eek: >

Mmmmmm, Picture Books :p


I'm an English immigrant, so guess who I was supporting.

Been in Australia since 1992, so I still get called a pommie