Love to dress up, even just to go out with a couple of people and hang around. Best to go to costume parties!!
Some things I have been:
A big baby in a giant diaper and tee-shirt, with a baby bottle full of bad stuff.
One of a pair of Cinderella's sisters. Very elaborate make up with a powdered wig and huge blue taffeta skirt. Wound up hanging out with a lame Darth Vader and a big chain-smoking white rabbit all night.
Giant beaked bird covered with feathers and with yellow rubber gloves on feet. That year I was with Jackie O and Gorbachev (remember head stain?)
Minnie Mouse. I happened to have the perfect shoes and skirt that year. Hung out with a Zulu warrior and a manic dentist.
When my kid was a bald baby, I dressed him in an orange blanket and gave him a begging bowl. He was "Harry Krishna." Three cheers for kidsploitation!
Two friends of mine had a great one--she was Sonny and he was Cher.
To be Queen Elizabeth I, my sister shaved her hairline one year. She was so good she won the first prize in Greenwich Village. That's dedication. Another year she was Glinda, the Good Witch of the North.
For a few years in a row, my brother put on my mom's floorlength slinky black evening gown and went to Houdini's grave. I think the dress is too snug now, but the cemetary is still happening.
What are you gonna be Jenem?